Everything is going well so far in my pregnancy. I must admit that I am looking forward to having my daughter and to hold her for the first time. I am both excited and a little aprehensive because I know that my life is going to change once Reyna decides to make one of these days her birthday. I can't fathom the years I will have raising her and me being a mom instead of a daughter and wife (only) but I will have that title "mom" added.
There are times when I am so ready to have Reyna, to have her no longer sitting on my bladder and kicking my ribs, when there will be no more Braxon Hicks contractions to interrupt my work and when I can actually sleep without someone kicking my pelvic/hip or bladder in the middle of the night. Instead I'll have a daughter to hold, to feed, to change many many diapers and to stay awake at night holding/feeding. I have enjoyed being pregnant so far, but its getting so much harder to stay at work and be as big as I am. I am blessed that it is a job that requires allot of sitting so I haven't had to deal with any swelling in my feet/legs and no weird veins popping out. However, because my job requires I am on the phone allot, its hard to talk when in the middle of a contractions that takes your breath away. Also its hard to work while being pregnant because there is no time for a nap when my body needs it. I have to go on as if there is nothing different and its difficult at times.
I told one of my church ladies that I am looking forward to having Reyna because its getting harder to get up in the mornings and to get things done that need to be done. She was upset that I wasn't loving being pregnant and enjoying everything about it...but when she had her children she didn't work, so she doesn't know what its like to not be able to sleep when your body needs it when your pregnant. I have found that many ladies at work find it part of their "duty" to tell me their birthing stories and though I"m glad that they want to share in that, I really don't need to hear how "easy" I have it compared to what they had to deal with and how "hard" they had it. Well sorry to disappoint but childbearing isn't easier... the baby is still born the same way it has for centuries and just because there are more modern and better technology to help in case something goes wrong, the pain is probably the same, specially since I don't want to get drug up.
I do have one lady at work that has been nothing but a blessing to me and I am so thankful that she is there. She has been always there to answer my questions and to help me understand things that well frankly no one tells you about until after your pregnant and even then they don't tell you things. I didn't know what my ob/gyn meant when she said that I am 50% effaced after telling me i was dilated 2 cm. But now I know... I was glad because when the mucus plug thing was coming out I wasn't freaking out as much because this lady explained to me that this happens so that the baby can come out and that this is normal and part of the process of my body getting ready to deliver.
I go to see my doctor on Tuesday and I am hoping that I"m further along being dilated more and that I'm more effaced.. I would love to have Reyna the week after thanksgiving, however I know its not up to me.. but the baby.. I just hope she decides to come soon. She is very healthy and moves around ALLOT so I know she is very healthy and happy.
On Friday the 16th I was having contractions about 6 minutes apart and having lower back pain and hip pain and my pelvis hurt as well and I had this constant need to pee... so I called my doctor and they told me to go to the hospital to get checked out. Of course as soon as I was hooked up to the monitoring machines, the contractions slowed way down and Reyna became a very active bee inside me... Well no go for having the baby yet.. and though I was disappointed because I really wanted her and do want her, I am glad that I went once again to the hospital. They found out that I am very dehydrated ( and that is why i have been thirsty so much for the last few days) and I have once again another urinary track infection. So I have meds and am drinking allot of water none stop to try to get myself hydrated again.
I like my new Ob/Gyn, She is a Christian and is so sweet and wonderful to me. I feel so at peace with her and was amazed when I first met her because as far back as I can ever remember I have never liked doctors and never felt at peace around them.. well I felt at peace the moment I met her and was surprised by that until I found out that she also is saved and so therefore we have the Holy Spirit in both us helping to draw us together. I also found a pediatric that is a Christian lady as well and both me and Chris liked her the moment we met her... its just wonderful to see how God works in our lives like this...preparing us the right people to have be in charge of our physical needs.
Anyways...just wanted to update a little about what is going on. I'm just waiting now for Reyna to pick a day to show up and to meet her parents and change our lives forever. :D
Hello Joy, Yes, you've heard all kinds of stories from other ladies. No 2 can be the same. Your experience will be unique to you and Chris. Hang in there honey. We're looking forward to hear of Reyna's arrival. We're praying for you all.
Love, Uncle Dale and Aunt Lynda