I had a real scare on Wednesday and many people will probably think it isn't as bad as it may be.. but it scared me. My husband went to church without me because I was having a really bad case of morning sickness and I just couldn't see myself sitting at a bible study throwing up and having a great fellowship. So I stayed home to do that alone. I went to the rest room and urniated and saw that I was bleeding and that there was clumps of blood in the toliet. I kept bleeding for some time and I had in my mind that bleeding during pregnancy isn't a good thing since it can be an inidication of a miscarriage.
I called my mother in law(since she is a nurse to see what she would suggest) and I was hopeing she would just tell me that it was nothing and to not worry about it.. but she added to my freaking out. She told me to imiediatlly go to the ER and that she would meet me there.. well I had no car so I told her that I would call the Er to let them know that I was coming and to see if My doctor was on call that night at the ER room... he wasn't. My husband called through and told me that he was on his way home and I told him that he needed to take me to the Er. So when he arrived we left.
I got signed in at the ER around 10:30 and then waited about an hour before they saw me. I was then asked to use the restroom to give a urine sample... and i didn't have to go.. since I had gone about an hour before that and that was the reason I was in the ER... but i did the best I could for what I did.
My husband went into the back with me where we waited till 12:45 to be seen by a nurse who took my blood and left. It wasn't until 1:30 that I was seen by the doctor/and nurse and given a heart doppler, which we heard the baby heart beat strong at 160 and then they did a pelvic exam to find that the cervex was closed ( a good sign of not having a miscarriage) and then we waited some more. Around 2:30 the nurse came in with doctors orders for some medication. To make a long story longer, the medication is for a urniary track infection that I have and the bleeding was my body trying to get rid of the infection and because of the infection i could possibly have a miscarriage.
I was told to go home and not to work the next day and to let my Ob/Gyn know what was going on and to talk to him and see if I could work Friday or not. She signed a note for me to not go to work and sent me on my way. We got home around 3am and my poor husband slept about 2 hours before getting up for work, since he didnt have a doctors note. My wonderful husband took great care of me and got me my medicine and made sure that I was comfy before going to work.
I read the note the doctor gave and it wanted me to be on bed rest for that day and to see my doctor and see what he said. I guess alot of walking or standing could cause the bleeding to happen agian and so after talking to my Ob/Gyn I was told to stay home and have a 4 day weekend. Sleep when tired and to put my feet up as much as possible and to not do any standing or walking for a day or two. Just to help my body fight the infection and to lower the risk of a miscarriage. He also told me that it was important that they found this infection as soon as they did because it could lead to kidney desease or a gallbladder desease(since I have no galbladder anymore that wouldn't be a worry but the kidney desease would be) and that if that happened it could harm the baby in very extreme ways.
God is so good to let me freak out and go to the ER and I am glad that my body reacted the way it did to the infection. There was a lady in my church that was pregnant with triplets and she had the infection but never knew it and it did cause kidney desease which killed the three babies.. it was sad and I am just glad that God is providing and protecting this child that I am so blessed to be carring.
Anyways, Please pray for me to continue to heal and for the baby to be strong healthy baby (just not too big *smiles*).
So that has been my scare over the weekend and I wanted to share so that maybe a few of you would pray for us cause prayer is always needed.