Saturday, January 26, 2008
Movies of Reyna.

This is my daughter Reyna... I love watching her move.

posted by Joy at 1:16 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Some more pics of my daughter

At Christmas time...

another picture of her at Christmas

Reyna and daddy.

Reyna and Aunt Amanda

Reyna supporting U of M....

Reyna chilling out.

Reyna getting over being mad at mom for sucking her boogers out of her nose... poor girl has a cold :(

Reyna yawning after her cry fest and after being mad at mom.

Reyna before mom gets her boogers... she was content.. but very congested and you can see she is red a little around the eyes.... she always is now.. since she has a cold.. but I am soo glad that she is almost over it.. it is going away and she is getting better. What a blessing because she is breathing alot better and sounds soo much better and isn't fussing as much.

posted by Joy at 9:22 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Sunday, January 06, 2008
some more pictures...

Here is my wonderful Daughter at 3 weeks old.. isn't she so sweet. I am amazed that my sister was able to snap this picture because she hates her car seat... that is until we are in the car and moving. She is growing so fast and Its amazing how fast she is growing.

She is currently one month old and such a wonderful child. She has currently been fussy and crying a little more but she has a cold and so I need to drain her nose and she hates when I do that.. and I feel horrible doing it.. but its needed and I don't want this to get worse and become bronchitics or something worse.

I shall leave you with a few more pictures then I must attend to a sick husband and a sick child *sad face inserted here*.

Here is Aunt Amanda taking a nap with Reyna.

Reyna doing what I like her to do at night.. sleep. :D

Here she is just chilling with her aunt Dayna.
posted by Joy at 10:58 PM | Permalink | 0 comments