Thursday, October 19, 2006

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This video is so not me.. but its so funny. I had to put this here to show that even if you think you are a dork you are not like this guy. Trust me.

I always wondered who would acutally do a video dating thing and now I know. I hope you enjoy. Have a great day!

posted by Joy at 10:52 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Ever have one of these days?? well I must say that I have.. things just seem to be going right.. beautiful day, wonderful pace and yet. underneath lurks trouble. Today I stayed home from work. My foot is fractured and so fun for me. I guess it would be a wonderful thing if I didn't have to pay bills.. i mean heck.. I would never go to work if I didn't have to pay bills. Its so beautiful outside and its nice and cooling down... yet I found out that my parents in the north are freezing cause its snowing. I dont miss that,the freezing, but I do miss the snow. I know its only October but here in blandland texas I find that nothing is different.. just i have a fractured foot now.

I know that when things seem daunting and the prey seems too big, just remember that perseverance and endurance wins the day. As in this picture, sometimes we just need to go for it and see what happens.. we may be able to catch that big one. I am swimming in the pool of resumes and applications for jobs, I need a better paying job and I need it yesterday. I have a job, and dont' get me wrong its a fun laid back job, but the pay isnt really good and with me being poteintally pregnant (going to docs soon) I may need the added income. I have a praise though. Chris got a Raise! So that is good, but its still not enough to provide us with a house and with money for bills that will incur with having children. I love kids and I can't wait to have them, i just want to be able to provide for them and not let then be raised in a tight fisted money family.

So like this bird, I feel that I can overcome this, and I can get that great job that pays enough a year and where I can find a house to live in. I am excited.. I am gong to go find houses and see them and see if I can't buy one, at least one of these days.

Some things need an explanation but none comes. I would love to know how I fractured my foot.. i just know it hurts and that I lay in pain at times.. and when i walk.. oofta.. I can't walk right.. but at least i dont' feel all hung up about it.

Anyways I guess I have too spratic of thoughts running though my head at this moment that I won't be able to type correctly let alone make sense in my sentences. Have a great day.. and please leave a comment or two or just igrnore everything and pass by as if I didnt exist!



posted by Joy at 1:39 PM | Permalink | 1 comments