Wednesday, July 26, 2006
I was pleasently suprised to find that we have another guest living with us in the apartment. I was not expecting it nor was the guest invited by me. I am a newly wed and so you can just imagine what a guest in a one bedroom apartment could mean to me. Its not like I'm agianst having guests at all, cause well I like having people come over and hang out, but All night long? However, even though I'm a newly wed and my husband woke me up last night to be intimate (which was wonderful.. I love being intimate), this guest was quiet and relatively unthought of at all. It was actually at this part of the night that I found out that we had a guest.

I went to the bath room, and let me tell you, we have two doors connected to the bathroom and so I never lock them, cause you never know which one you are going to use next. Anyways, so there I was.. sitting on the toilet doing my business when I saw the guest. Our guest just stared at me... beady eyes and all. It was small, no bigger than my index finger and yet it was watching me... watch it. I looked and saw that what I wasn't sure of but thought may be a lizard of some kind. I called Chris to come fast to see what I had found and he confirmed it. It was a lizard of some kind. A Gieko to be in fact. A small pink striped gieko.

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I have no idea how we recieved such an honored guest, but atlas we did... this morning it wasn't there, but i kinda figured it wouldn't be. I was tempted to catch it and keep it as a pet, however, they eat bugs and so I will let it roam freely and eat all the bugs it can find. I am just glad that we have something that isn't a snake. I am thinking that someone has a grown gieko and it had babies and they got loose cause its a rather small one and rather cute.

Anyways I am sure that I have more to say, just that I am a little busy with well.. thinking of more to say. I'll edit this later and fix it all up to be all nice and pretty.. but i need to get some time off.. so i can figure out how to make a great and wonderful template for my blog.. i am sooo not creative. Oh well. i am sure that I can figure it out ( with alot of help from others)

Peace out for now... till laters,
Joy Allen
posted by Joy at 9:21 AM | Permalink | 4 comments
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Well I have finnaly got tekno. I put site meter on my blog and I'm excited. Someone from Nashville Tennesee has visited my site. I like to see if I could get someone from all 50 states.. that would be kewl. ANyways... enough of that sillyness.

Have you ever been thrown from a bike or a horse or something you are riding? Well, my rollercoaster hasn't thrown me... but the bumps are very dangerous! Oh I'm still going up.. up.. up.. so its not like I have hit any real bumps.. no this comes in the form of my dear lovable husband.

I love him dearly and he doesnt' upset me (often) and so its not like he is trying to be wierd and difficult.. but at times.. he is. I love my sleep.. let me get that out right now... I love sleeping. And when i don't get sleep I'm not to enthused about the day. So, at night, after I have crawled into bed and am fast asleep I will wake up (not always) to find that my husband sleeping next to me is laughing as loud as he can (which is pretty loud) and talking to his best friend (who isn't really on the phone cause well the phone isn't really there) and I find it rather funny that he does this... at the same time.. my sleep is interupted and so I am tired the next morning and he wonders why.... seeing how I go to bed before him.

Well its cause at 3 am I was awakened by my husband pretending to be is character on WoW or laughing, or talking to his friend... or better yet.. being thrown to the ground in a wrestling move he put on me.. so that I am no longer even ON the bed.

I may sound like i'm complaining, but I'm not.. not realy. I enjoy laughing at him the next morning and telling him all the funny things he does. But at times its well worth it. He sometimes cuddles close to me and holds me and tells me in his sleep that he loves me and that I'm a good wife. And he tells me all sorts of wonderful sappy things that makes my heart do a flip flop and I get that tingle that most people get when they are in love. I Love it! I can't get enough of his sweet talking to me when he is sleeping.. so even if I have to put up with is farting and talking and laughing and roleplaying while sleeping.. then by all means.. I'll take as long as he keeps telling me how beautiful I am, and how he loves me so tenderly and with his whole heart.

I want to post pictures however, I am at work.. so i'll get on later and update this post.. so stay tuned....

Peace out my friends.. family... and strangers (who I hope to be friends with)

Joy Allen
posted by Joy at 12:29 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
Thursday, July 20, 2006
I am so blessed to have such a wonderful loving and tender husband. We have been praying together as we get up in the morning, before we both go our seperate ways, and then agian before one or both of us goes to sleep. Its a wonderful time to be with God and to be together. I am constintly amazed at all that God is doing in our lives.

You know how when you get all excited about a ride or a game or something and then you find out it is going to cost you some money, money you do not have, yet you really want to go on that ride,or play that game or whatever it is and a friend comes along and lends you the money. Well God has been providing for us. Our God is great and good.

I was on my way to work and about 6 blocks away (3 turns) and low and behold.. i hear a very loud squilling noise coming from my car and then a poof of smoke come from under the hood... the car still ran so I prayed that it would at least get me to work... and it did. I called my hero (my husband) who came to pick me up from work that afternoon and we found out that the powersteering belt was completly gone and the air coniditioner compressor (which is hooked up to the powersteering belt somehow) was the cause of its demise. These past two weeks we have it in the shop and they are trying to find the part as inexpensive as they can.. but if not then it will cost us 600 dollars.. which is almost as much as our rent! But this has been a blessing in disguise, for we have been saving on gas and we get to spend the mornings on the drive to work together and get ready together in the morning. I am spending more time with my husband and its wonderful.

God has given me a temparary job and I even got a call back from a company that I put my resume in.. so I am going to check that out. God is providing for us. When we first got married we could barely make the bills that we had already and then to add more (rent, electric, water,etc..) we didn't know if we could make it.. but God is wonderful and we have been able to make them all every month and we even get extra! which we are gong to use to get me a better car!

Last Sunday I had a heat stroke and fainted in our appartment. Chris was so worried about me. He cooled me off by getting a wet washcloth and just kept rubbing it on me.. and he made me drink alot of water and he stayed by my side until i was better. This is just amazing to me cause Chris is very active and can't usually sit still for longer then 5 minutes.

You know what is worth the frustration? Marriage. Oh its not all about frustration, but sometimes my husband can frustrate me beyond belief.. but its worth it when he cuddles next to me and tells me that I'm beautiful and that he loves me and that I'm special to him. I love when he does that, when he wraps his arms around me and just holds me cause he wants to be close to me. I'm always and wonderously amazed that he still loves me!

I best go.. I'm actually at work and should be working, so I need to go get more work so I can have more to do.. hehe.

May God bless you as you seek His face.

posted by Joy at 6:49 AM | Permalink | 1 comments