Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Well as I was reading over the crucification of Christ I was puzzled. Not in the story itself or what it represented but I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. Christ said that he thirsted... now people went to get him something to drink but that is what puzzled me. God turns his back on him, and for the first time since forever *literally* he is sepereated from God and all he can say is that he is thirsty?

Well I sat and thought for a moment and prayed..and then a story came back to me.. the story of the woman at the well. God, Jesus, had asked the woman for a drink and told her that if she were to take from the water he would give her she would never thirst agian. Maybe the reason Christ said that he thirsted wasn't because he was litterally thirsty(though he may have been both) but was instead thirsty for his God, the presense of God to be with him once again.

I was just thinking about that and wanted to share that with whoever reads this.. gives some thoughts to ponder.

Anways, I'm doing alright. I have a pretty nice shiner on my right eye. I was laying in bed with my husband when I moved the pillow his hand was resting on, and when i moved the pillow i moved his hand which went flying into my eye.. silly me.. he was soo appologetic though he realy didn't do anything. He was alseep! Its not like he hauled off and punched me.. cause if that was the case I would be at the police office filling abusment from him.. no, it was truly an accident. I like to tease him gently about it though. But because of this nice shiner on my face, it had added to my headache and so I have a migrane.. had it for the last two days. I took medicine and everything and it hasn't helped.. but that is alright. I am sure that it will be gone eventually.

Enough of that. I wish people would leave a comment in my blogs.. I would love to see where everyone is from that views my blog.. that would be so kewl!

Oh well.. Have a blessed day.
posted by Joy at 7:23 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Ok.. I have been trying to get a new template that I have to work, but I can't figure out how to get my past posts to show up and I'm just grrr.. with it all at the moment. So I am keeping it as it is for now.. though a change is in the future.

However, I can not stress how nervous I am about thanksgiving. I am not a cook, and anyone that knows me, knows this. Yet for some bizzare reason, my inlaws decided that we are having Thanksgiving over at my apartment and that I, me, myself, would cook the dinner. I think they really really want bad food and a horrible taste that will linger for years to come. I am the sort of person that even though I follow a recipe completely, it comes out like poo. Well, if poo is what they want, then that is what they will get. I can not cook, though I try and try and try and try, and everyone says how easy it is, but for some genetic reason I suck at cooking.

I am glad to be able to have my friends and family over though, just hope they dont' all die. I am glad that my father-in-law is going to deep fry a turkey so that when the one I do comes out all hard and bad tasting, we can have at least one turkey that taste good. You are all welcome to join us on Thanksgiving day and have yourself a great big plate of poo.

My sister has been getting onto me to get a post out, and I wanted to a few days ago, but I have been messing with a template and then working and being sick that I haven't posted till now.

So I want to say Happy Birthday to Dayna, my sister who turns 21 tomarrow. So..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAYNA and I hope you have a very wierd day tomarrow, may the world revolve around you for the 24 hours that is your day and may the Turkey king come and gobble up KT.

I think you need to stop hinting that you have a birthday, because seriously, I don't think you do..I think its all a ploy to get us to send you things and give you gifts. I don't know about her.. being smart and all she should be in school not bugging me about her birthday coming up.

Anyways, enough of me teasing... I love my sister, she is a great gall and will make some guy a very lucky man. She loves to clean! What more can you ask for, besides the fact that she is funny, and silly, and pretty, and witty, and generous, and sweet, and kind, and a great person that everyone wants but are too scared to ask out. Oh wells.

Hope you all have fun.. I shall post pics later.. when i'm not at work and when I have pics to post.

posted by Joy at 9:28 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Have you ever felt like you are a bird in the mist of a very bad situation? Well, I do. Both me and my husband are very sick and my mind is racing a mile a minute though I don't feel like I can move a muscle to do much. I decided to try and so here I am typing up my blog. I have had alot of time to think and to pray, what else can you do when your wide awake but too weak to do anything other then sit and lay and occasionally eat or at the best type?

I read my sisters blog and for so many years I felt the same way about my dad. You have to understand my dads upbringing to understand my dad. Growing up, as a child I looked up to my dad, thought the world of him, thought he loved me and cared for me. He did, and still does. As I grew older and my idolization of my dad became more set in reality, I noticed a few things. My dad had cheated on my mom, had gone from spending time wth us kids (6 kids) to his friends online, and he drinks and smokes and does marajuana. Regardless of what he does or had done in the past though, I realized something. I have never been close to my dad, and as my sister feels, its like he didnt' even try. Heres the thing though. My dad isn't a christian, he doesn't know God, sure he knows about God, but he doesn't have a personal relationship with him. I have had many talks with my dad confronting him, asking him why he didn't want to be close to us.. and I realized that it wasn't that he didn't want to be close, he just didn't know how. I think that over the years, with as much as I advoided him, there wasnt' any oportunity for him to draw close to me and me close to him. I was the one that was hindering that relationship.

I love my dad, I love him so much that I hurt inside to see him suffer. Sure, he is looking for acceptance, and when you have 6 kids that don't want to spend time with you, what do you do? you find friends that will accept you, be it in person or online. My dad chose the online part, because its easier and safer and he doesnt' have to hurt so much. I see it now. My dad hurts inside because he cant' have a relationship with us kids because we have hardened our hearts agianst him. I think that when it comes down to it,we can only have the relationship we want with our dad, based on the effort we (kids) put forth.

My sister commentented that she wants to be close to my dad, but not once has she mentioned what she was doing to change the situation. I know its going to take years to get the relationship back with my dad as it should, because we have years to overcome of us not being close, years of hurt and years of frustration. I am sure tht my sister wants things to happen now, she is the kind of person that though, seems patient, isn't so much. I can only hope that she reads this and then prays. Only God, our true father in heaven can help heal these relationships.

On a happier note, I got my cd that I have been searching forever and a day to find.. the broadway musical "Wicked". Oh its soo funny and its great. I love it alot. I think its an interesting twist to the classical old movive "The wizard of Oz". Its about the wicked witch and how she wasn't so wicked, as much as having her loved spurned cause she was green. She was misunderstood, and for that reason and a few others, she was thought of as being wicked. I find it funny and sad at the same time. You really should read the book that came out about it, and then get the musical. Its great!

Ok.. my hands are hurting and I am going to go to bed and sleep. I hope that everyone is doing alright.

Leave a message if you like.. or not.

posted by Joy at 2:05 PM | Permalink | 3 comments