Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Memorial Weekend
Friday was a great day. I got home and took a short nap before my husband got home, then we went out with our friend Toby. It was a great time and we enjoyed eachothers company. Saterday was a great day as I got to sleep in for the most part. I was glad it was Saterday and I got to just chill and relax. Something I needed alot of. I got to play some games with my husband and to just hang out with him. Sunday was great. Pastor preached two really good sermons ( we have two morning servies (9:00 and 10:30am) and he is going through Galations in the first one and John in the second). After church everyone had been invited to go to pastors that night for a game day/night and to bring food if we want to. My husband decided to get some really good marinated chicken fajita meet from a Mexican grocery store and took our dear friend Johnny (Dos) with him to interpret for him. He came back to the car with 12 lbs of meat!!! I couldn't believe it.. and he decided to cook half of it for that night. Goodness he had cooked about a fourth and I thought it was too much meat.

It was a big hit though and most everyone loved it. We were a little late but that is alright. We played catch phrase women vs. men and we won the first game/lost the second and won the third. Then they played scene it disney. I didn't play as all the yelling out answers had gotten to me and caused me to not feel so well. I watched and was amazed at how many things the women got wrong. I knew the answers but they couldn't hear me when i told them anyways, so i just sat quietly watching them lose. The funny part was that my husband carried the group and not the fathers of young children who have seen these shows more recently. My husband... I couldn't believe it. ok i can.. but still it was just funny to watch.

Monday was great. I loved that i didn't have to get up for work and though i did get up like what is now a routine in the morning, i was able to go back to sleep and feel well rested when i did finally get up. I played some games with Chris and then we were going to lunch so we got Toby and ate with him, then watched the third Piriates movie. I must say it wasn't what I was expecting and it was goood. I liked it and was pleasantly supprised at the end of the movie. Then Toby came over and hung out with us at the apartment and it was fun. i did laundry and some cleaning as the guys talked about things. I think I have officialy talked Chris into allowing me to get Cable when we move. I hope so cause we only get the reg channels and most of them dont' come in too well. I was a little upset that I couLdnt' watch my hockey games and to watch the playoffs... which will be over by the time we move :(. but that is alright. I will have it for next year and I will get to watch more games through out the year. So that is good. I'll even settle to watching the Stars play as long as I can watch hockey.

Chris wants to watch TNA wrestling with Toby.. so i'm useing that to my advantage in getting him to allow me to have cable. :D Its alright if we dont' get it. I really don't mind too much. Just really miss my hockey games. I was suprised to see that the Ducks beat Ottawa in the first game of the Stanley cup finals. Come on.. FLorida beat out CANADA!! that is just so wrong! I am hoping it was only a fluke and that the Ottawa's will come back and win the cup. I just can't see the cup going to Florida.. that would just be soo wrong on so many different levels.

Oh well. Anyways.. This is my update for a while.


Ps.. day I do have the pic scaned.. but blogger isn't allowing me to blog it.. wierdness.. I'll keep trying to get it for you though so you can see. Miss ya and love ya.. tell Jayme hi for me when he gets home this week to see you all.
posted by Joy at 9:20 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, May 24, 2007
New blogger look
Ok.. so i did steal this from Amber.. but I fell so much in love with the look that I decided to get it for myself.. since it is free. I did some modifications so it is a little different.. mainly just the background colors... that way when she comes visiting me she wont' freak out and think its hers.. *giggles*

Amber is still very much expecting and I'm hoping she will have her baby soon. I have enjoyed reading this last month of her blogs because it has helped prepare me some in what is to come in 7 months.

Some days I wake up and I have to remind myself that I'm very much am pregnant, though some mornings I wake up and KNOW that i'm pregnant... and its never a good thing to hug an oval ceramic bucket (aka toliet). I am counting my blessings though because I have not suffered as much as others have told me that they have from morning sickness.

Well yesterday I watched the finale of Lost and goodness.. its was very fascinating and I'm excited as they have signed another 3 year contract to produce Lost. I have the first 2 seasons and I can't wait for the third to come out. I am adicited to it mainly because there are so many things that you see in the background that is very significant to the show, though you just dont' know it.

I am looking forward to the new Harry Potter book coming out in July.. only a couple months away. I know some people are agianst Harry Potter cause it has "magic" in it but the way it is written and the way the story is protrayed I dont' see anything wrong with it.. its fantasy book, and based in a fantasy world. I don't see Christians bashing Lord of the Rings but then agian I'm sure that some people would find somehthing wrong with even Chronicles of Narnia... *sigh* Oh well. I am excited though that the movie to HP is coming out as well as the books and the second movie to Chronicles of Narnia is going to be finished soon and I'm excited about that. I love those books and oddly enough was only introduced to them in College. I find them a great read and a good analogy of Christ, though some of the doctrine is off... but I understand that because of the doctrines that C.S. Lewis held to was a little off. He was writing his beliefs down and that is alright. I still love the books.

I am moving in July and I'm getting excited. We are moving to a two bedroom apartment and its bigger by at least 400square feet then where we are now and its only $30 more then what we are paying now. I'm excited cause though we could stay where we are.. and i like the apartment, they are going to raise our rent $200.00 dollars because "you are good payers and pay on time"as I was told by the managment. and when asked if they are raising it that much for everyone she said "No.. you pay on time and I know your good for it." well how would she know our budget? Hrm? Yes we could afford it but not for a small one bedroom apartment that has only 619sq ft... nope.. sorry.. i would much rather move to a larger apartment for only 30 more dollars a month.

Ruthie is coming down in July and I'm excited about that. She is going to help us move and I'm glad. I am going to just box things up and let the guys and ruthie move everything to the trailer/van and unload it all. I remember last summer in Texas and lets just say I had heat stroke a few times and that is with me drinking alot of water and trying to stay inside alot. I am hoping that my pregnancy (being in the begining stages) won't add to the heat of the summer but because i'm not used to the weather down here(used to the colder weater of Michigan) and not used to the OVEN breeze that comes through (instead of the cool breezes from the Great lakes) I was told that I was not to be involved in the heavy lifting of items. I 'm not complaining. I was blessed when we moved to this apartment cause I was at work when the guys moved in all my things and Chris's. I do plan on boxing things up and getting things labeled and ready for the move.. so at least i don't feel like I wasn't helpful in the moving process.

posted by Joy at 8:37 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Wednesday.. a great day~
Today I woke up and have been feeling wonderful. Its like I got an extra boost of energy from the magic man or something and its great. I love it. I can't believe that its past 12 and I'm not feeling tired. Praise the Lord for everything. I am so excited. God has been providing for us and its so wonderful to see. I was able to sleep more last night since I went to bed a little early and woke up without the cat meowing at me to get her food for her. It was nice.. she was alseep. First time in a few weeks that she left me alone. I am glad that Chris is bonding more with the cat then me.. cause it wouldn't do to have the cat jealous of the baby once it comes. I do like playing with the cat and the string. She loves strings. its adorable and rather funny to see how she will contort herself to get the string and pounce on it.

Trista is a great cat and she is only annoying first thing in the morning as she is trying to wake us up to get her food. She will just have to learn to wait.. and she is slowly learning that we do give her food AFTER we go to the rest room and get ready. Sorry but first thing in the morning my thoughts are not on the cat and getting the food down for her.. no its emptying my bladder and making sure that i'm decent for work before thinking of the cat. She is getting braver and coming to lay with us on the couch more though she still won't sit on our laps. She is only 8 months old and had been abused so this is great progress for her. I never thought that I would like cats.. but I like this one.. alright. I would still rather have a dog but that is alright.

I have pictures to update on here... and I shall do that when I get home. I have a 10 week ultrusound and its rather amazing to see how much the child has grown inside me already.. goodness only knows that this child is going to come out through c-section the way its going. I was told at the docs that I have a small pelvis and as along as the child isnt' 8lbs or more i can deleiver naturally otherwise I need to have a c-section.. and I really don't want to do that. grr on having a small pelvis.

I also have some pics of my cat.. she has a lemer tail.. at least that is what Chris is always saying.. i think it looks more like a racoons tail. Its very unique.

Anyways, I just thought I would update a little.. ask away if you have anythign you would like to know.

Always His,
posted by Joy at 12:35 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, May 10, 2007
more of the same...
i went to bed a little early yesterday and was sound asleep before my head hit the pillow because I dont' remember touching it and chris said he saw me hit the pillow and told me that he loved me and I was already talking in my sleep.. and indication that i was in a deep sleep. Oh what a blissful thing that was.. sleeping. I could do it all day every day if I was allowed to, though I am not.. and I must go to work in the morning. Oh about 3am my husband finally crawled into bed and woke me up crawling over me... and when asked why he was coming to bed so late he told me he fell asleep with the cat in the other room.. (which i took to mean the living room on the couch). This morning after my husband woke me up ( and i had been up many times through out the night with morning sickness (which isn't just in the morning.. ) he told me that he fell asleep in the kitchen giving the cat her food. *Giggles* So he layed down on the kitchen floor to pet the cat and watch her eat (we dont' allow her on the counters and she doesn't like to jump up there anyways) and he promptly fell asleep only to later wake up and realize the cat was gone and the cat food was in front of his face. So he decided to come to bed at that time. My wierd strange husband.

I am so glad that I have such a wonderful man. This morning he prayed for me and the baby and the future spouse of our child.. I love hearing him pray and i love praying with him.

Now I sit at work, wishing i was at home where I could at least sleep and have privacy but nope.. i must stay at work and let everyone hear me have morning sickness.. all day... so far.

I am blessed to have such wonderful people working with me cause they all have been asking if i'm alright and if they could do anything.. I have yet to find someone willing to take over my pregnancy for a day or two so I won't be sick every day. Hrm.. any volunteers??

posted by Joy at 11:44 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Quick update for now..
What a complete blessing that God is to me. I was able to go to Wisconsin to watch my best friend graduate from college and had such a great time with her and a few other female friends from up there. I didn't realize how deprived I am of female companionship down here in texas untill i got to spend 5 days with my best friend.

I loved the cooler weather and was always feeling great as everyone else was cold and wearing warmer clothes. I am hoping that since I'm not going to be in my last trimaster this summer that it wont' be soo bad for me though I do know that I have yet to get used to the Texas summers down here. Last year I had heat stroke a few times and that was with me drinking water contuneally... well see.

I got to laugh with my friends and talk about things that guys would just pass over and ignore as its not a topic they enjoy so much, but I loved it. I kept teasing my friends saying that i'm going to play my pregnancy card to everyone so that I can get whatever I want.. we tried it at a restraurant just to see what would happen and you would never guess.. but I got the meal for half off and they gave me extra food..I thought it was kind of them and wasn't what I had ment to happen, but that is alright.. God is good.

I got to go shopping and bought some shirts (which I am going to put the pics that I took of them on here after work) and I got new tennis shoes so i can do more walking without my shoes falling off at every step.

I learned a very valuable lesson. Flying and morning sickness do NOT go hand and hand. I flew home on Monday and I felt horrible for the passangers on the flight cause I was having morning sickness really bad and God is good though for a passanger near the bathroom was willing to trade seats with me so that I could have better access to the restroom. I didn't have too many problems on the flight and had to only visit that room twice during the 2 hour flight. This past weekend has given me morning sickness and I am thinking it was all the traveling I was doing. Since being home I have not had this problem and have gone back to just being nauseated.

So from now on.. when i'm pregnant.. i'm not going to fly.. at least not till the second trimaster where I may be less likely to have morning sickness. :)

It was soo good to sleep in my bed agian and to cuddle up next to my husband. He is getting more excited about the coming child and has started kissing my stomach and talking to the baby. I find it rather attractive and very sweet when he does that. I haven't started showing yet, but that is alright.

Oh and on a bright note.. when i was at the doctors on monday (because I had a boil behind my right ear.. thanks to my pregnancy) I had to step on the scale. I had lost 10 pounds so far since being pregnant and the doctor was rather glad. He said that it is normal for someone overweight to loose weight during pregnancy as long as I don't add the extra 300 calaries a day.. though it should start to tapper off and stay the same wieght maybe gaining about 5-15 pounds total during the entire pregnacy. I'm excited because I may end up being skinner after the baby is born then i was before i got pregnant. God is so great to me.

Well I must go back to work. Have a great day all who read this.

posted by Joy at 7:35 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Google.. tag your it...
Ok.. I saw other who had done this and it sparked me to try.. what you do is go to google.com and type your name and the word "needs" then post the first 10 repsonces. Well I typed Joy needs... and here are the ten first sentences.

1. Joy needs a better understanding of the nature of evil. Yes.. I suppose I do... as does everyone... interesting that this was the first thing.. hrm.. I'll go pray about it.

2. Joy needs the financial resources to help maintain its expanding program of life transforming ministries. I do need money as my little one is coming.. so yes this ministry of mine (to my family) is expanding and we do need financial resources.

3. Joy needs tragedy.What!? Tragedy? Since when?

4.Joy Needs Prayer. Yes I sure do.. please pray for me.

5.Joy needs to spend some serious time in Baghdad. Hrm.. wonder what is in Baghdad that I am in need of spending some serious time there.. hrm...??*ponders*

6.Joy needs to leave her office!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!! I agree with this (since I'm at work and tired).

7.Joy needs Jokes! I love jokes.. they are so much fun.

8.Joy needs funding to purchase a cargo van for food pantry pick up and a passenger van for the children's programs. hrm.. i need a cargo van for food... well that is good.. what are they saying that I 'm in need of more food cause I'm pregnant?! and a passenger van for my children programs.. i'm not haveing THAT many children this time.. just one!

9.Joy needs to realise her mistake. I suppose I do.. cause I don't know what it is.

10.Joy needs help with choir. yes.. since I'm not in choir.. I need all the help I can get to learn to sing well enough to be in choir.

See this was kinda fun.. now your turn!
posted by Joy at 12:36 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Weekend of madness~~
I am excited that on Thursday I get to go on a plane and fly north to Wisconsin. I miss the north and the people there. My best friend is graduating from college and I am excited for her. She has already finished college in Dec but will be walking across the platform to accept her diploma this coming Friday. I have missed her so much and I wish she would move to Texas where I am. However I am so proud of her and glad she is following God's will for her instead of my selfish wishes. She teaches math and history (double major) at a christian academy and she is growing so much by being there.

I have been busy packing and getting ready for my 5 day weekend/vacation and I'm so excited. Not only do I get to see my best friend for 5 days but I get to spend time with a few other really good friends. I'm really looking forward to it. I have been getting things prepared at home for my husband as he is going to have to fend for himself.. not that he can't cause he is a better cook then me.. but I am making sure he has food to cook, and laundry to wear whilst I'm gone.

I already know I'll miss him. When we first got married I spent a week away from him driving my best friend back to Wisconsin and I missed him alot... though I had a great time. So I am already preparing myself to miss him, and this time I'm more emotional.. comes with being pregnant. I still have a hard time remembering that I'm pregnant cause I'm not showing and not having morning sickness all the much.. just a slight nuasea every so often.

I have been going on a website that gives me week by week how my baby is developing and its pretty amazing.. Its so wonderful how the heart beats without a brain.. cause the heart is formed and starts beating before the brain is ever formed.. see you can have life without brain waves!

Please feel free to leave a comment giving advice about being pregnant or emotional or anything at all.. I love hearing from others.

~ Mommy to be~
posted by Joy at 6:58 AM | Permalink | 1 comments