Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Fun Monday
Ok.. my blogging environment.

A white desk that is pushed in the cornor and is agianst two walls. My phone to the right of the computer (which is pushed in the cornor and is a flat screen monitor/computer and is black. I have two froggies on top of my computer watching me. To the left is my paper stacks neatly put in folders and piled in bins with a radio on the edge of the desk. My drink usually rests to the left of the monitor and a stack of scrap paper with a pen to the right of my mouse. This is what my desk looks like at work and there is on the walls three calenders all opened to the next three months... the current and the next two so I dont' have to scrabble to find dates for patients. A list of doctors that are on suspension and whom I can not schedule for is on the wall to my right and I have under my desk to the left my garbage can and to the right my filing cabnet.

This is where I do most of my blogging and most of my blog reading... though I do at times blog at home, its much easier to do it at work while I have some down time since I can't make people sick and call for appointments. :P

I like to have christian music playing at work and usually it doesn't bother me to have music playing and it doesn't bother my office partner(my mom#2) so that is good. However much I love music, it does tend to get to me at the end of the day and I must turn it off to have some quiet to think and wind down a little.. before heading home to do luandry (which I don't know who in the world loves to do) and to try cooking for my husband. I love being married even though I do not always like the work that goes with it.. the chores that is.. though I married a great man that helps. Priase God for that.

posted by Joy at 11:37 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Wisdom teeth...
Yeah.. My weekend is finally over and I would love to be able to stay home and heal but I need to be at work. I had my wonderful weekend start friday morning. I got up and got ready and then was driven to the dentist. I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out. The top too came out very easily but the bottom impacted ones took a little muscles and alot of pain to get taken out... and yes I was awake and aware of the entire thing. I think it was kinda cool. Afterwards they gave me gaze to be able to put in my mouth to stop the bleeding. I was told not to drink anything out of a straw or spit and to not brush my teeth for 3 days... well I did what I was told. I also was told that if the bleeding didnt' slow down in 4 hours to call them back.. so 5 hours later when the bleeding didn't slow down to much on the bottom sutured ones, I called and was told to go see the Dr Spence. He is a great dentist and was so sweet and kind and waited for me to arrive and then took care of the problem. And he also wrote me another vicodin pescription which came in much use on Monday when I ran out and was still in pain.

So this weekend was full of Grey's Ananomy and Movies of all sorts. I was able to get caught up to the current session of Greys cause my sister#3 (sister in law) had the first two sessions and that was fun to watch. I slept alot and hurt alot. I tried not to talk but even that didn't help much. I spent this weekend in pain and then stupid me.. I decided that I didn't need to eat anything before taking my pain killers one morning and was sick for most the morning because of it. Oh well.. at least its past. It does hurt to talk alot and so I try not to talk as much as possible. I am at work today and yes I do answer phones and I am here because I can't realy afford to take any more days off without pay (because I don't have PTO yet to use) and things are getting tight.

I got up this morning and though my mouth hurt really bad and my left ear I decided that work was the thing to do. I am glad though because I do need to get out of the house... and I need to be very careful when driving on these meds so that I dont' fall asleep at the wheel or do something stupid.

I am very glad that I had these four wisdom teeth taken out, because even though I hurt and the pain is running to my ears, I know this will past and I will be better and I won't have to worry about tooth aches randomly coming up and being in constient pain for days on end due to these teeth they call wisdom teeth.

I must say that I did enjoy being taken care of by my wonderful husband and being lazy with an excuse to be lazy and to be able to just lay and watch tv. I don't watch much tv... even if there is a show that I really like.. I would much rather be doing something else. So it was nice to be able to just watch tv for a while... and get my little fix... though I will not be sad if I don't see another show for a few weeks.

I got to talk to my sister for a little yesterday and I really miss her. I wish she could come visit me sometime.. though I dont' see that happening. I am sure she will not want to spend any money to fly down here, though if she did... I would love to have her for a few weeks. I also had my best friend call to talk to me and that was something very fun to do yesterday. I miss her as well and she wishes she could come down here and watch movies with me and to hang out with me. We talked about when I get to see her in May and that was fun to do.

I saw one of my friends from college on Hi5 and that was kewl as I hadnt' seen or heard from here since college days a few years ago. She didnt' know I was married so I gave her my number and hope she calls me sometime to talk and catch up on things.. though I think we should wait at least a week before doing that.. as it still hurts a little to talk... and the more I talk the worse it gets.

Anyways.. I need to find out what everyone blogged about yesterday so I can do my "Fun Monday" a day late... *goes in search of what the topic was*

~ Joy~
posted by Joy at 8:28 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Need help.
Ok.. so I need help with alot of things. First I need help to calm my nerves about tomarrow.. as I am going to be drooling all over myself and slurring my speach as if I'm drunk, when in all actuality I will be druged up on some "happy" pills from my surgery, granted its only my four wisdom teeth, but its a surgery non the less. I don't mind the actualy surgery, it the pain after that I'm dreading and more so that drooling all over myself and the incoherent speaking that shall insue...however I am sure that everyone around me will find me a great "drunk" person and be able to laugh at me. I am just glad that I may not be able to remember any of this as I shall be all druged up.

I have been doing alot of thinking and alot of contiplating. I need to lose weight and alot of it. I wieght alot for a woman and though I had lost a ton.. meaning that I used to be about 40olbs.. no lie.. though I never looked like I was that big..I had lost alot of it in college and was down to 200 when i got married.. but since being married I put on around 40 pounds and I don't want to go that round agian. I need to lose wieght and mostly in my problem areas which are my butt.. sad but true, and my belly.. lower abdominal and my thighs... not so much my arms though I do have a slight flab on them. My need for help comes like this.. I have lost all my wieght before because I started eating less junk food and stoped drinking soda as much and started to eat more fruits and vegetables, however I can't seem to get lower in my wieght.. I leveled off and I need help in idea from others.

If you could tell me what kind of excerises to do that do not require a machine or equipment that will help with those problemmatic areas and any ideas for good meals as well I would apperciate it. I am going to try to weigh in every week to see how much I have lost/or gained *sad look* which I hope shall not be the case and would be excited to have lost even one pound.

Please if you have any ideas I really do need to lose the wieght. It is very unheathy and I don't want to die because of beign obessed... and I want to lose this fat for myself and for my husband.. he married me being overweight and wouldn't it be a great gift to him to be a skinny bombshell!? I think so. I want to lose the flab and keep the muscle so no anerixia for me but help is a diffenent must.. and any enouragement would be greatly appreciated as well. I am a very bad pracastinator and so if people constintly ask about my weight and about my goal I am more likely to suceed then to fail.

Ok.. now I must leave you as work is calling be back from lunch. My last good solid meal will be tonight.. I dont' know what to have to make it last for a while... hrm...


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posted by Joy at 11:17 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Catching up on Valentines Day
Ok.. this is for my sister Dayna who really wants to know what we did for Valentines day. We didn't celebrate it on Valentines day for a few reason, one being that everyone under the sun would be out and doing things and because he wanted to suprise me without me expecting it.. which I didnt'.

I came home from work on the 13th and was told to change my clothes to something comfy and yet nice.. so I did.. a bit suprised that he would request such a thing.. but going along with it. I then was taken to the car and told that we were going out to eat. I was taken to a nice french resturant (yes.. I did say nice and french in the same sentence.. :P ) it was a very romantic place and the setting was just great. Then we went to have some ice cream at Swensens a very awesome icecream place. He gave me a card and some very pretty flowers. We came home and well this is where I do not tell what happened, just suffice it to say that I'm a married woman so its allowed.

On Valentines day, I had a card for him, which suprised him, since he didn't think I would get him one. I also spend the day cleaning for him. We went to church and then on the way home we talked and I treated him to dinner. It wasn't anything that was super romantic like so many people may have had done to them, but on our limited budget and being newly weds this was a great First Valentines together. I took him to a movie and dinner this weekend as a belated Valentines day gift and showered him with attention and love.. you know its not all about women.. and I think its great to be able to do that.. there is something very special about giving attention and love to the man you are married to that just makes everything else so great. I love being able to do things for him and make him happy, becuase I notice that when a man is happy he makes me happy. Granted its not all about being happy, but rather about being with one another and loving eachother and caring for eachother and that is what we do and did. I had a great Valentines day.. and It was great that we also got to see and hear other people's stories.

posted by Joy at 9:52 AM | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, February 19, 2007
Fun Monday.. My treasured Objects!
Today is Fun Monday and thanks to Karmyn at Dreaming What ifs for giving todays topic. We are to write about our most treasured objects, and so here are mine.

I do not have a picture of my treasured objects but let me paint the picture for you. Its very old and is covered in a black leather binder. The binder is tattered and pieces are falling off, or have already fallen off.. the pages in side are old and yellowed giving that musty smell you find in most old books. Pages have been folded and torn and you can see it has been well used. Things are underlined and thoughts written on the sides on different pages. It had been new once, during the Great depression and given to a young girl that grew to Love this book behind anything. This book was passed down to her youngest daughter and loved then handed to me... the oldest daughter. This book is very old and holds many stories with it. Stories of war, and stories of depression and triump, stories of love and hope and sadness and death, yet this book holds all the memories of the people reading the book and taking it with them throughout life. This book was my grandmothers bible. To me this is the most precious gift one could get.. it holds her salvation testimony, of when she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior and repented from her sin turning instead to God and His ways. The stories that lay within this book is precious and dear and true, as well as the stories that suround the book that had carried it through life.

My second most precious item that I have is round and gold and lays on my left hand. It was given out of love and out of a struggling mans income and yet it is very precious to me. Its my wedding ring and I wish I could find my camera to take a picture of both these items. I have found quite a few other things as precious items but these are the two that I find the most precious of all. One has built my foundation for life (the bible) and the other has been the foundation to life I now have ( marriage) and both that blend well together and is something I wish all girls attain.. salvation and a life grounded on the truths held in the bible and then founded on a vow within the marriage, a vow that is unbreakable, unchangable, and unconditional. A vow to stay faithful and to stay through all the tough times and rough times as well as the joyfull and happy times.

What more can a woman ask for?
posted by Joy at 1:05 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Some pictures of me as a child...
Here is one picture of me as a young one.. I am the one all the way to the left.. with the HUGE glasses on my head and my hair up in a messy ponytail. My younger sister Dayna is the littlest one and my cousin Juan is next to me. The guy with the bat is my older brother.. handsome wasnt' he?? and then my cousin maria is the one next to him... man that was along time ago.. that was the house I lived in first.. on Packard street in Michigan. I can tell from the windows being so low to the ground, I had thought that they were the greatest things because i could climb in the window to my bedroom.. which happens to be the window on the left.. and the smaller one is the bathroom.. isn't it wierd that I remember that after all these years.

Gee my knee look at how cute I was.. i'm the older one on the right and the oldest is my brother.. and that is Dayna.. cutie wasn't she with her very wet diaper.. i remember when mom put her in the water.. her diaper instantly was full.. aww to be young once agian. This pool was leaking water and we were trying to fill it and found the hole.. sadness.. no more pool.. and for a kid that is just devistating.

Aww look at me at the zoo with my brother.. this was when my sister was still just a planned little memember of the family waiting to be born.. I actually think this is a very cute pic of me and Jayme. As you can see I had been going through a growth spurt and the dress I loved ever so much wasn't so much long as it should have been.. but I had shorts on underneath. I loved this dress cause it was good for spinning. I used to just like dressed that could spin and flare up, if it didn't, regardless if it was cute or not.. I didn't like it. I was a very picky youngster when it came to clothes, but I didnt' like being restricted in my movements and the dresses that didnt' flare up when you spun always seemed to restrict my play.. and for a child that is a very frustrating thing. How would you like to not be able to play because your clothes wont' allow you?

See me holding my baby sister KT with Dayna next to me in her pretty (which I thought was a very ugly) dress and my cousin Maria next ot me and Juan and Jayme being good best friends/cousins. This was at my grandma's which at the time, I didn't want the picture taken, cause they were going picture wild that day.. and as you can see I am smiling though its a fake smile.. trust me its fake... I was just glad that I got to hold my baby sister... which now I wish I could have just left her on the door step.. just kidding.. I love my siblings.. all of them.. regardless if they are younger and annoying at times.. they are great fun and I love them.

These pics are me trying to catch up on the Fun mondays.. I need to get my camera working so i can take a picture from the front of my apartment.. actually more like the balcany.. so you have a better view. :D I shall endeavor to do this and to get this up and running.

Today was nice.. I woke up to my husband kissing my neck and tell me that he loves me.. what a sweet and wonderful way to wake up. Granted he had to leave almost immeditatly upon me waking up but he was so sweet. He sent me a love e- letter this morning as well and told me that we are going to celebrate Valentines a day early.. which I have no qualms about.. so tonight.. I shall turn off my phone and spend it with my husband.. as he told me that he was confiscating all my electronics so that I have to give my total attention to him and he shall lock his and mine away for the day.. so that we have only eachother to keep entertained. I have such a wonderful husband. I love being married.

This was one of the last pictures of my family before I got married.. before I got engaged and left for good... well at least as far as being single I left... I still see them and love them and they will always be my family... just I won't be single anymore when I see them. Yeah. This was taken from a phone camera.. so its a but blurry.. but i'm the one on the bottom... the one with the glasses and the twins are on the left side of the pic and my sisters on the right.. with my balding older brother in the back looking as he always does.. clueless. Just kidding.. but he does have that kind of a look on his face. oh well. Anyways.. this is a long post.. peace out and have fun with the pics.


posted by Joy at 12:23 PM | Permalink | 3 comments
Monday, February 12, 2007
Why I love where I live... Fun monday
Ok.. my sister has gotten me into doing this Fun monday thing she found people doing on blogger so I decided I may as well join in. This monday is why I love where I live.. so here goes.
I love the fact that we are close enough to everything conveinet and yet not close enough to hear all the noise of traffic. I love the warm weather and the fact that at night I can see the stars as I sit on my balcony as well as all the wonderful birds (aka huge mesitoes) and all the small critters that eat the smaller critters like the geickos.... they are so cute and we have one in our appartment that eat all the wonderful spiders that have been taking resident inside our apartment. I love the fact that the people down here in the south are not hicks and that they are quite helpful and sweet when stranded on the side of the road. I like the fact that the police are fast and effecient. I love when it snows and people freak out over a small dusting of snow (I'm from michigan where we gets TONS of snow as opposed to Texas where they rarely ever get any) and I love seeing them freak out cause its funny to me.. as well as when it rains. It seems that if its wet or white then its something to be concerned about.

I really like living here though dispite the few things that I would much rather do without.. and one thing I love having a lizard living in my apartment is that I had been bitten once agian by a small brown reculse and well lets just say that I am on antibotics for it and the lizard I saw, ate it! So yeah! That is one less spider to bite me.

I love living with my husband and to me that is the best part of living in Texas. I love being able to hold his hands as we walk the streets and as we shop or whatever, I like the lakes that they have here and the way that the community is so sweet. Its a rather wonderful place, and though it has some downs, it mostly up and up for me.

I shall do the other fun monday's to catch up when I get my camera and start taking pics.. though I shall put my pics of when I was little on here and let you all see those.

posted by Joy at 11:33 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, February 09, 2007
Catching Up on some things
Wednesday came and went and I learned a great deal about my wisdom teeth. First of all I learned that they hurt really bad when people poke and prod at them, secondly I learned that the gum around them are infected and thus the need for meds. I also learned that they can take them out and that I will have to wait till the 23rd of Feburary before they can take them away from me for good. So, with all them proding and poking at my teeth, they caused it to flare up and hurt more then it did before. I wouldn't complain so much if I had in fact no work the next couple days, but since I have to go to work and sit at the desk talking on the phone all day, using my mouth and moving my teeth, this isn't a very good idea way of handling it. My teeth hurt worse then before I went to the dentist, though they did give me some antibotics, and a good thing too... cause i'm hoping to be able to wake up one morning without a headache.. do you think it may be some day soon?? We shall see. *smiles* I did get a nice pamarama view of my teeth xrays to keep so that is good. I can see where they are going to take out my teeth and why.

I loved being able to get off of work early and go home and sleep. I think my teeth are making me have headaches and they drain me for most the day. I find that if I want to think at the end of my work day, its niegh unto impossible. Its alright though.. I have only two more weeks of this.

I got to talk to my sister a little yesterday and that is good. I miss my family and I miss my best friend Ruthie. I can't wait to see her in May.. though the way things are looking I am not sure if we will be able to go.. I don't know.. we'll have to see.

We did our taxes already and sent it off.. we were going to get back about $600 but we got a w-4 form in the mail and they messed up the information and so once we corrected that information we are only getting $16 dollars back.. how is that!? I think its cause we are on the bottom of a new bracket of income.. because we made a little over 30,000 together for the year. Which stinks because 16 dollars isn't going to help us much.. though its better then oweing so that is a good thing.. I just don't understand it but I guess its not for me to understand. Oh well.

Yesterday I went home and wanted to sleep however, my loving husband wanted me to go with him to get Toby for our Rping night... I was hoping for a nap, but it didnt' happen therefore when the rp started, I started getting drowsy. I lasted till midnight.. barely and I felt bad because he spend so much time preparing for it and I was drowsy. I went to bed almost striagtaway when we finished and I still woke up with a headache behind my right eye. Oh well.

So this morning I got up and found out about our taxes, actually that was more like 2am this morning when Chris finally crawled into bed angrier then a hornet...either way I got up this morning and took some telynol for the headache, antibotics for my tooth and what I think is a brown recluse spider bite on my left thigh(which I hope goes away and I get better from). I am now at work, my mind is in a big fog like state and I am answering the phone scheduling people for doctor appointments and hospital procedures... which I hope I don't mess up.

Tonight I get to go home from work, take a nap and do another rp night with Toby and Chris.. however I do get to sleep in on Saterday so that is a huge blessing. No more having to get up and go to work. I think I would be better off if my teeth didn't hurt so much and drain me of all energy and thoughts.

I am in the office with Wade and he is helping me, making sure I don't mess up in this state. I have to teach childrens church these week because kay gave me the stuff, though i can't do it for the month of Feb. because after the 23rd I am going to be so out of it and loopy that they won't want me to do it. oh well. I suppose I can do it for two more weeks and then on that week tell them to find someone else because I won't be up to teaching anyone at all.

I do love the kids and would love to do nothing but teach them, i just know I'll be out and I dont' want to mess up that. Pray for me as I am trying to get my teeth taken care of. I suppose I went on enough about my teeth. I'll tell more things all the interesting little things that happen in my days when my thoughts are not dwelling on the pain. :P

posted by Joy at 8:28 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, February 05, 2007
Superbowl Sunday!
Superbowl Sunday, yes that is what it was yesterday and suprise suprise.. the Colts won! I was pleased to be able to go to the Pastors house and have a party. We had some guys that liked watching the game, alot of girls that was there cause thier husbands where and who went and played card games, Which looked like fun. I however, being the girly girl that I am, sat on the couch and watched the Colts waste the Bears. I was almost certian at first that the Bears were going to win because they scored so fast and I was very happy to see the Colts come back and beat them. It was a good game and what made it very fun, I must admit is that my paster (who is Extremely competitive in EVERYTHING) was routing for the Bears and to see his face as the Colts scored was classic. He argued about alot of the calls and such and it was just all done in a good fun spirit which made it fun to watch.

I must admit that though it was a very very fun and entertianing evening, I fell asleep cuddling with my husband on the couch. I normally wouldn't have fallen alseep but as the world must turn so must my widsom tooth hurt. So I was in pain and getting drowsy and so I just fell asleep. I was in and out.. it wasn't like a solid sleep, which was good cause I caught alot of the game that way, but I was, unfortunatly in pain. I have a dentist appointment this Wednesday to see how he wants to extract that from my mouth, which is a good thing, but I won't be able to have it done till either later on Friday (after 5pm if he does it then) or next friday (the 16th). I want it done on a friday so that I can take off one day and then recuperate over the weekend from the extraction of my wisdom teeth.

I have yet to find out why they are called wisdom teeth, they dont' give you any wisdom and they don't take away any that you have, I just think they should be called The Pain teeth or the Useless teeth.. though i don't think that would go over so well with everyone else. Oh well.

Its all good though. I just need to ignore the pain and move on until I can do something about it. I am just so blessed that God gave me insurance and so its not going to be as expensive as it may have been without it. Praise God.

Ok.. back to work and more pain killers (hopefully these ones will work).

posted by Joy at 11:13 AM | Permalink | 3 comments