Sunday, August 12, 2007

here I am from the front, my hair is all messy and the shirt doesnt help me look as skinny as I am. I have been losing weight on my sides and well you can't really tell. When I first found out I was pregnant at 1 month and 2 days along, I weighed 248.9 and the last doctor visit (the last 2 visit- 4 weeks apart- i was the same for them both) i was 225.6. I have lost so much wieght but gained so much baby.

I am not 5 months along... I only have 4 1/2 months left to go. I am half way there! Yeah for me.. I am so glad about that though because I am getting tired of waiting for our daughter to show up.

Here is the side view of my belly.. now you have to remember that most of it is my regular fatty fat and isn't the baby, though I am starting to round out more.. and show some.. you can tell more towards the upper abs that I'm rounding out but the underbelly is just fat. Oh wells. I am working on that. I look like I am suprised and I was because My husband just insulted me as he took the picture! I had to laugh at him though. He called me his fat preegnant cow and so thus the look and then I threw a pillow at him and it was a fun moment.

Anyways I wanted to post this so my mom and siblings could see.. not sure many others care about it.. but hey.. thought I'd share.

Have a great day.!

posted by Joy at 12:56 PM | Permalink |