Thursday, April 26, 2007
Baby and things...
I found out that I am 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant.. on day more then I thought.. but that is alright.. I was very close. I had my first sono.. and it was transvagenal but that was ok. It felt realy wierd and I am not going to go into details but lets just say I was glad that the tech was a female. I got to see the peanut size child inside of me. They counted the heart beat and its 120 which is good.. and healthy. The child also is looking healthy. We tried to listen to the heart beat but unfortunaitly my uteris is tilted back and so they couldn't get the machine to hear it.. we will hear it later when the baby is bigger, though I got to watch it on the screen. The tech told me that the baby droped from my right overy though it doesn't matter, just something that was informative. I got a picture of my first baby its to the right of this paragraph. As you can see the baby sin't the black stuff.. that is the liguid sourounding it.. and the aby is the little peanut size thing in the black area.. the little heart was beating up towards the top near the middle. It really is the size of a peanut yet its such a little sinner. The bible says that from conception you are a sinner.. but this child is a blessing to.. sent from God to us.

I am starting to have morning sickness. I didn't for a while, just was a little nauseated at times and certian smells make me quesy.. though for the most part I have been blessed with not having bad morning sickness. I did have 3 days so far that were very bad mornings.. and I don't like hugging the ceramic toliet very much.. I mean I like using it.. but I don't like huggin it. :D

I don't feel so much differnt other then that and the peeing out the Alantic ocean every day. If I hadn't taken the pregnancy test, I don't think I would have noticed a big enough difference to scare me into thinking I was pregnant. The only reason I thought I may be was because I was a week late on my menstrual cycle and that is unusual.

I went out yesterday and got some maternity clothes, though I am hoping to actually lose weight this pregnacy and I can if I eat healthy and if I excerise.. though I still need to eat the same things and have 300 extra calaries a day.. but other then that I can lose weight. They said if I dont' eat fating food then the baby will start taking calaries from my stored fat.. which can help me lose weight.. so Yeah.. i may end up beign skinner after I have the baby then before the baby.. at least I keep telling myself that if I work at it.. I will be.

I am starting to walk alot and it feels good to do that. I sleep alot to.. I can't believe how tired i am getting all the time. Though I am hoping that it will pass and that the next trimaster will be better for me.

Please leave any comments if you want and also pray for me... I could use all the prayers that people are willing to send on my behalf.

~Mommy to be~

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posted by Joy at 8:17 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Saturday, April 21, 2007
posted by Joy at 7:16 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Fun Monday for April 16th a few days early.
Ok.. this is for Fun Monday! Ice Cream Mamma has the honor of this Monday's Fun Monday!

What is your favorite word? My favorite word is: Thank you. Ok its more then one.. but the simple sentence is so important in todays society yet many do not use it. Its a fast pace world and many people are rushing rushing rushing and they don't stop to thank people for helping them.

What is your least favorite word? anything that is a swear word. I don't like swear words at all and it grates on me when people us it. There is a huge dictionary full of words you can use to express yourself and people revert those simple stupid four letter words and to me it just shows a lack of vocabulary and a lack of intellegence.

What turns you on (creatively, spiritually or emotionally)? Creatively it would be music, spiritually it would be reading the word or God or singing praise or talking to others about God, emotionally it would be something extreme.. I'm not a very emotinal being.. though I am now.. but that is cause i'm pregnant and though its not an excuse I feel a little more easily swayed to cry more then ever before.

What turns you off? I get turned off of things creative by people talking about reality and discouraging me.. spiritually its when i fail to meet with my Savior on a daily basis and emotionally I just tend to be turned off naturally.

What is your favorite curse word? The one that is never spoken.

What sound or noise do you love? I love storms.. the sound of the rain and the thunder.. and the crack of the lightening.. that just is so soothing to me.. i also like the sound of a new born baby.. they are just so precious.

What sound or noise do you hate? I don't like the sound of someone with long nails pulling it across the black board.. and the other sound I can not stand above all else is swearing and loud yelling at that.

What profession, other than your own, would you like to attempt? I would love to be an author and write books.. which one of these days I shall attempt to do. I may actually suceed and get abook done and the most impossible thing get it published.

What profession would you not like to attempt? I would not like to try sewer duty... or working with septic tanks. I am sorry but at this moment in my life.. with morning sickness.. I don't think it would be a very fun job.

If -Since not if-Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? I would love to hear him say "well done my good and faithful servant" And since I know that there is heaven and that there is only one way to heaven.. which is Jesus Christ who died for our sins and rose so that we can know him and have life with Him in heaven if we believe and confess and repent of our sins. I have done this and I know when I die I will go to heaven.. my sins have been paid for in full and I don't have to wonder or hope of where I'm going.. I know. It you would like to know how you can KNOW then just ask.. I'll be more then happy to tell you.
posted by Joy at 9:37 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
We go through life planning things having things all at our convience and in our timing but its not about our timing at all.. its about God and His timing. He has everything planned and perfected for us and his time is always perfect though we may not see it. Yesterday I peed on a stick and the first one told me that I had peed too much on it.. so I had to drink alot of fluids to have to pee agian. My husband took me out to eat and I drank alot of Mt dew.. the thing I know that would make me need to pee. When I got home I went to the bathroom and peed on another stick while my husband talked to his best friend.

I look at the stick and it said "Pregnant" so I am going to be a mom in 9 months give or take a few days. I grabed the stick and shoved it in my husband's face because he wouldn't get off the phone for me to tell him and his face lite up with a huge grin. He was excited and told his best friend right away.. who was more excited that we are getting a kitten then having a child... but was excited non the less. I called my dad and let him know and my mom and my 5 siblings.. which my twin brothers were telling me that they are going to be uncles before they graduate high school and that its wierd and that I should have waited till they were out of highschool.

Though my one brother said he was going to go to school telling everyone that his sister was pregnant.. I just hope he clarifies which sisters as one is still in highschool and they may think its her.. *lol* oh well. I had to tell my Grandpa on my dad's side 5 different times getting louder every time I told him because he didn't have his hearing aid in and couldn't hear me.. but that is alright. I also told my in laws and My fatherinlaw was Excited and my mom inlaw was shocked and asked how it could happen.. so I started to explain that when two people are married and they ... and so she cut me off and said she was in shock. But she is glad to day.. though still having mix feelings. Everyone at work is excited for me.

I say all this to say that I am not sure if I want to be pregnant. I mean I'm not going to get an abortion or anything and I'll carry this blessing from God as long as God wants me to.. but we weren't planning on kids and our finiaces are not where I would like them to be and I really don't think we can afford to have child and all the things that come with being parents. I'm scared and I'm not affriad to admit it. I don't know what to expect being pregnant and I'm scared that i'll be a horrible mom and I dont' want to be horrible. I am praying and trying to give this over to God but its hard. I know in my brain that I'll be fine and that God will take care of us.. but my stupid emotions are working over time. I seriously thought that I was having a really bad pms this time which never really happens to me. I am the kind of person that you would rarely if ever see cry and it seems to be all I can do these days though I am probably only 3 weeks along. I have started getting more emotional and I hate it...but its alright because I expected this to come with the territory.

I am excited at the same time still in shock. But now I HAVE to get a digital camera so I can keep track and show everyone how I look as I get realy fat and waddle like a duck and then take pics of this blessing once he/she is born. I'm hoping for a boy but will be happy with a girl. I just won't look forward to the girly girl years.. of makeup and such.

~shocked and amazed~

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posted by Joy at 7:59 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, April 09, 2007
Yesterday was Easter and what a beautiful day it was. The temperature was a wonderful 32 degrees outside and we even saw a small short snow flurry come down. It was a beautiful day though. I got up early early.. around 5 am and got ready for the long day ahead of me. My husband was going to be the speaker at the Sunrise morning service of a church that our friends Myron and Nina were serving, Myron is their interim pastor for a while. It was a very pretty church, not too big but not too small and the people were really nice. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ and that was wonderful. Then we had breakfast in their fellowship hall.

Chris and I left shortly after as we had to be at our church for the two services we were having that morning. We arrived and set things up and had things ready to go for the early birds. We started the first service at 9am and ended around 10am.. then all the people from the last 3 months that had been saved (amen!) had to go change to use the baptism. Let me explain this a little. We just acquired a baptismal and so this past week the men of our church was putting it together making sure there was no leaks or anything of that sort and to see if the water would be warmed up. I was one of the 17 the got baptized. There was two young children.. Sarah (pastors daughter) was first, she is 6 years old. Then Samantha who is 9 went then all the youth from the youth group went.. there was 5 or 6 of them. As the teenagers went into the water they kept saying how cold it was.. then when the first adult went , she also said it was really cold.. but as I stepped in.. expecting it to be as cold as Lake Michigan in the summer, I was surprised at how warm it was. It wasn't cold at all.. silly Texans complaining about warm water. Anyways.. we all headed into the other section to get changed, taking turns in the bathroom... while they started to sing for the next service which started at 10:30.. with all the baptisms.

We had a great turn out.. which was surprising. We had two services for a few reasons. One being that the regular members were going to help serve the second service.. help with parking, work with the kids, nursery, sound system, checking people in.. etc.. helping people to find seats anything that could hinder someone from finding where they were to go.. we had someone to help. Because I was getting baptized, I didn't do some of what I was going to do.... but I helped my husband do the sound system and the PowerPoint.. OK.. so I did the PowerPoint while he did the sound and the recording. Anyways it was great.. we had 2 new families visit us the first service, which was a surprise.. and then we had 4 or 5 families visit us as well during the second service. It was great..and the wonderful thing is that many people enjoyed the music. I heard allot of wonderful things about the music and about how pastor preached.

After everyone left and the clean up had been done, we went out to eat. Mom and dad and Chris and I at a Brazilian cafe. It was really good food, though I didn't eat everything. I wasn't feeling so good. But that was because of the long day.. and the day before.

On Saturday.. the day before... we had a block party for half of McKinney... we had 3 Easter egg hunts each age appropriate... and we had raffles and gifts, and we gave out allot of church information.. we had a cotton candy machine, hot dogs, hot chocolate (because it was a high of 28 that day with cold winds and a few flakes of snow. We had so much fun though that after I lost feeling in my fingers and toes. .I was completely happy. I did go home though at 3pm and fall into a comatose state till morning... at 5am.. where we picked up our story. Yes this weekend was not a very relaxing weekend.. but it was a blessing.

We didn't have evening service yesterday but pastor did invite everyone over to play baseball OUTSIDE.. which me and Chris opted out of. We instead went to do the thing I never thought I would ever do in my life. I still can't believe we are going to do this.. but I have agreed and though somewhat reluctantly, I must say I am getting a small twinge of being alright with it the more we talk about it and research it out.. oh you want to know what I'm talking about. Well Chris has decided.. OK.. we have decided to get a kitten. I know.. i know.. its a c...a...t... but since i can train it to not be stupid(aka jump on the counter and eat butter or pee on the floor.. or scratch furniture).. i have agreed to get one. I must hang my head in shame to all the dog lovers of the world. I never thought that I would sink so low as to actually have a c... in my house... let alone own one. If you had asked me before now... I would have said that I would never have one.. but would have allot of dogs. But I confess.. I don't have a dog yet. Sad.. I know.

Anyways.. today after work we are going to go get some supplies so that when we do actually purchase a kitten we have the stuff of it.. like food, and a litter box and dishes to feed the thing out of and a scratching post and toys and stuff.. whatever cats like.. I hope it kills spiders though.. i really do. I have seen my share of spiders and I would be the happiest person alive if the kitten would eat them all, as well as mice.

Well this Wednesday is my birthday and I shall be 27.. so I have only a couple days left before I age yet again. I don't' mind my birthday.. .not like most people do... but I will say that the closer it comes the more I am getting homesick for my family in Michigan. I miss them, and don't get me wrong.. I love being married and in TEXAS.. but I miss my family. I even miss the snow.. which when it was snowing down here i was the giddy one, the one jumping around with glee... that would have been me. Not the others who were sad and shocked.. no.. no.. I was the happy joyous one calling my best Friend (waking her up) Just to tell her it was snowing in Texas. I hope she is still my friend. :D

I shall leave you with this...

On Thursday I am going to the doctors because I am weeks past my cycle and so i shall find out if I'm pregnant. I have had false alarms before and so I am not hopeful that I may be. And its not like I am trying to be.. but if I am.. then God has this in his perfect timing... and that is perfect for me.

Happy Resurrection!

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posted by Joy at 11:50 AM | Permalink | 0 comments