Today I woke up and have been feeling wonderful. Its like I got an extra boost of energy from the magic man or something and its great. I love it. I can't believe that its past 12 and I'm not feeling tired. Praise the Lord for everything. I am so excited. God has been providing for us and its so wonderful to see. I was able to sleep more last night since I went to bed a little early and woke up without the cat meowing at me to get her food for her. It was nice.. she was alseep. First time in a few weeks that she left me alone. I am glad that Chris is bonding more with the cat then me.. cause it wouldn't do to have the cat jealous of the baby once it comes. I do like playing with the cat and the string. She loves strings. its adorable and rather funny to see how she will contort herself to get the string and pounce on it.
Trista is a great cat and she is only annoying first thing in the morning as she is trying to wake us up to get her food. She will just have to learn to wait.. and she is slowly learning that we do give her food AFTER we go to the rest room and get ready. Sorry but first thing in the morning my thoughts are not on the cat and getting the food down for her.. no its emptying my bladder and making sure that i'm decent for work before thinking of the cat. She is getting braver and coming to lay with us on the couch more though she still won't sit on our laps. She is only 8 months old and had been abused so this is great progress for her. I never thought that I would like cats.. but I like this one.. alright. I would still rather have a dog but that is alright.
I have pictures to update on here... and I shall do that when I get home. I have a 10 week ultrusound and its rather amazing to see how much the child has grown inside me already.. goodness only knows that this child is going to come out through c-section the way its going. I was told at the docs that I have a small pelvis and as along as the child isnt' 8lbs or more i can deleiver naturally otherwise I need to have a c-section.. and I really don't want to do that. grr on having a small pelvis.
I also have some pics of my cat.. she has a lemer tail.. at least that is what Chris is always saying.. i think it looks more like a racoons tail. Its very unique.
Anyways, I just thought I would update a little.. ask away if you have anythign you would like to know.
Always His,