I am excited that on Thursday I get to go on a plane and fly north to Wisconsin. I miss the north and the people there. My best friend is graduating from college and I am excited for her. She has already finished college in Dec but will be walking across the platform to accept her diploma this coming Friday. I have missed her so much and I wish she would move to Texas where I am. However I am so proud of her and glad she is following God's will for her instead of my selfish wishes. She teaches math and history (double major) at a christian academy and she is growing so much by being there.
I have been busy packing and getting ready for my 5 day weekend/vacation and I'm so excited. Not only do I get to see my best friend for 5 days but I get to spend time with a few other really good friends. I'm really looking forward to it. I have been getting things prepared at home for my husband as he is going to have to fend for himself.. not that he can't cause he is a better cook then me.. but I am making sure he has food to cook, and laundry to wear whilst I'm gone.
I already know I'll miss him. When we first got married I spent a week away from him driving my best friend back to Wisconsin and I missed him alot... though I had a great time. So I am already preparing myself to miss him, and this time I'm more emotional.. comes with being pregnant. I still have a hard time remembering that I'm pregnant cause I'm not showing and not having morning sickness all the much.. just a slight nuasea every so often.
I have been going on a website that gives me week by week how my baby is developing and its pretty amazing.. Its so wonderful how the heart beats without a brain.. cause the heart is formed and starts beating before the brain is ever formed.. see you can have life without brain waves!
Please feel free to leave a comment giving advice about being pregnant or emotional or anything at all.. I love hearing from others.
~ Mommy to be~
don't be so emotional-- there is my opionion!!
OKies.just kidding!!!!... Well, I am very glad that you are able to go see Ruthanna, I know for a fact that she is so exctied to see you more than walking!.. I know i would be! I am missing you loads, and even when we are talking on the phone- i still miss you. It's not the same.. I rather be talking to you in person, not on the phone.. but i rather talk on the phone with you than not talking at all. I miss you ever so much. I know that i'll hate not being able to be there for the baby much. But the baby will have so much love from his/her Aunts and Uncles... even if he/she will not know us too well {well, besides Amanda.. it'll know Amanda very well because she is there!--- how awesome for her!}
I am very glad to hear that you are not getting morning sickness too often now.. I've been praying for you. Are you over with your Flu yet? I know you were telling me that you had to miss a day of work because you had the flu. Awwws, it's so sad to hear that you are sick..
Sunday, my church went off to visit another church.. The twins came with kaytie and i..We were the only white people there. Greg sat with Esther's parents {who was on the other side} and John, Kaytie and I sat with Esther and her kids. {Well, Jeral sat on the other side on his own- o-wells!} There were these two cutest boys sitting in front of me. One looked to be about 4 years old and the other looked to be about 2 years old. The 4 year old ended up falling asleep, and the 2 year old was looking bored. So i ended up playing around with him a bit {like tickle his hand, or gentle tap his hand when it was on the chair} Then he wanted me to hold me. So i looked at the lady who was watching him {i thought it was his mom- but soon found out it was a friend of the family}. She just smiled and nodded at me. So i picked him up.. Then guess what he tried to do after i held him for a few mins!!!... He tried to pick my nose.. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWS... I moved outta the way and moved his hand before he could.. But i was laughing too hard- Too funnie!!.. Kids do the funniest things!! I miss working with kids.
I am hopeing that Gina and Larry {Esther's sister and her brother} would let me take their kids for a few hours and do something with them. I was thinking maybe i can take the older kids {the ones that can be creative} and have them make cards for someone they know. Then after making a card or two- we can eat a sandwhich, then maybe watch veggietales or just play outside- like tag or something.. I am hopeing they'll let me do that, that would be so much fun, and will also open these kids up to me a bit more. They seem to be mega shy around me. Lil John is starting to open up.. Jesell is outgoing- so i had no problem with her.. She's fun! She is 10 years old and can play the drums very well, and she sings very pretty. O-weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. i surely am falling in love with these kids here.. But at the same time, i am missing my kids at Calvary.. like Rachel and Victoria...etc.. I miss seeing them around, and i miss being able to be a leader.
Well, i hope you don't mind long comments..... because this comment sure is starting to look like a book....... My bad!!!
Well, i should end it now---- also kinda look like an Email... how scarey!
Love you loads and loads and loads and loads more.. and i love that kid that is in you too!! Oh how great it'll be to see him/her. YEAHHHHS..
-your Favorite short sis,