Monday, January 29, 2007
Happychance... wonderful things with not so wonderful things.
If you have ever had your wisdom teeth come in, then you know what I am going through and if not then lets just say that I feel like my mouth is throbbing in pain, which spread up to my temple and is giving me a headache as well as making it hurt to eat and talk... two things I need to do to live. I have had this tooth ache for that last 4 days but thought that maybe it would go away with painkillers and such since its coming in and the pain comes and goes.. but this time the pain is not going away. I am so blessed though that God provided me with great health insurance which includes dental and vision. I am going to set up an appointment today for the dentist so that I can take care of this pain. Its causing my neck to hurt as well... which feels like I turned my head way too fast and pulled a mucles.. which is a possibility. I am just trying to be very careful with that side of my body.

Yesterday as I was walking into the bedroom from the living room I reached out with my left hand to turn off the light switch, which I did. However as I flipped the switch I felt electric current go through my finger, spread to all my fingers and my hand and down my wrist, it hurt so bad that I couldn't open or close my hand more then it was. There was no burn mark but upon taking off my wedding ring, I saw a blisterstart and the current started to subside. I have never had that happen to me before and I was stunned... so Chris seeing me in pain and wondering what in the world was going on, call his mom (an LVN) and then our Pastors a wife (a RN) and told me to take some painkillers and sleep. There was nothing to do. I took some and knocked myself out and slept really well... well as well as one can sleep with a wisdom tooth growing in. My hand feels so much better today as the electric current is no longer pulsing through my viens. That was an experience that I shall never want to experience agian and don't want that for anyone else either.

Well, yesterday was Sunday and I went to help Kay Stevens in the childrens side of the church and she was a little late because she went home to set up her house for a suprise birthday party for her son's girlfriend (Leah). It was great.. she was glad to be able to go and not worry about the children as I took care of everything. Afterwards, Mandy, Chris and I along with Pasters family and Brandi White and her kids, and Dos went to Culvers and ate lunch. It was great to be able to talk and get things ready for the coming months.

Me and Chris went home and it was nice to spend time with him. We read a book together about the 7 churches in Revelation and it was good... but written back in the 30's so the style of the writer was old style and I had to keep that in mind as we read the book. It was alot of fun to do that with Chris.

We went to outreach and Rebecca (one of the youth) came with us. I was glad to be able to talk to her alittle as we went door to door. There is a young man in our church that is going to start a bible study and we were in his neighborhood so we promoted that as well as the opening of our church! We are having breakout sunday on Easter.. its going to be our first service as a registered church in the state of Texas. I am so excited about that. Anyways we are inviting lots of people to come and to check us out. We talked to one lady that said she was looking for a church and she was very sweet. I hope she comes with her family.

After outreach we meet back at the church and discussed what we are going to do for outbreak Sunday. We are going to get a sign and some other things as well as mail out some postcards telling everyone in the area that we are there and what we are about. I am excited watching God work. Who would have ever thought that in just alittle over a year we would go from having 27 people to having around 70, enough to get registered as a church in texas. I am so thankful that we have had many get saved as most people in our church are new christians. The youth that we have are mostly teens that got saved this year and about three that had gotten saved the year before. I am so excited that we are going forward and how much God has blessed us. We are saving up for a Bapitstry and for the breakout weekend as well.. its alot but we are trusting that God will provide for both things.

Anyways, I suppose I should go and take more pain medicine and get rid of my tooth pain... but I can't cause its too soon to the last batch I took.. *sigh* oh well. I am praying that I can get this taken care of soon and not have to keep dealing with the pain.

Psalm 8
posted by Joy at 11:52 AM | Permalink |