Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Well as I was reading over the crucification of Christ I was puzzled. Not in the story itself or what it represented but I noticed something that I hadn't noticed before. Christ said that he thirsted... now people went to get him something to drink but that is what puzzled me. God turns his back on him, and for the first time since forever *literally* he is sepereated from God and all he can say is that he is thirsty?

Well I sat and thought for a moment and prayed..and then a story came back to me.. the story of the woman at the well. God, Jesus, had asked the woman for a drink and told her that if she were to take from the water he would give her she would never thirst agian. Maybe the reason Christ said that he thirsted wasn't because he was litterally thirsty(though he may have been both) but was instead thirsty for his God, the presense of God to be with him once again.

I was just thinking about that and wanted to share that with whoever reads this.. gives some thoughts to ponder.

Anways, I'm doing alright. I have a pretty nice shiner on my right eye. I was laying in bed with my husband when I moved the pillow his hand was resting on, and when i moved the pillow i moved his hand which went flying into my eye.. silly me.. he was soo appologetic though he realy didn't do anything. He was alseep! Its not like he hauled off and punched me.. cause if that was the case I would be at the police office filling abusment from him.. no, it was truly an accident. I like to tease him gently about it though. But because of this nice shiner on my face, it had added to my headache and so I have a migrane.. had it for the last two days. I took medicine and everything and it hasn't helped.. but that is alright. I am sure that it will be gone eventually.

Enough of that. I wish people would leave a comment in my blogs.. I would love to see where everyone is from that views my blog.. that would be so kewl!

Oh well.. Have a blessed day.
posted by Joy at 7:23 PM | Permalink |


  • At 1:29 PM, Blogger 2Crazzie4U

    I am from Scotland...jk. Anyways, i heard that you lost your job too.. I am sorry to hear that. so now only a new shinner- but now jobless. But that place will regret letting you go- because you are a hard worker and was bringing in customers. Maybe God will bring you a better job. I'll keep you in my prayers. I love you loads.. Hey, i have posted a post on Kaytie's new hair-cut.. hehehehe.. let me know what you think.. Love you loads and loads
    -ya fav. sis whose 21