Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A frozen tundra, an abundnace of freezing rain and penetrating winds with subdegree tempts. That is what it was like this morning as I steped out of my apartment and headed down the three flights of stiars to find my car. I walked on the snow covered ice and took one deep step into some slush, which penetrated into my shoes and soaked my socks and feet with the wet freezing residue of whatever was in that puddle. I found my car and opened the ice covered door and got into the cold car. I turned on the car, and Priase the Lord for a new wonderful car. The windows were completly covered with a thick layer of ice.. so I turned the defrost on and sat in amazment as the defrost actually worked. My other car never worked and so this was a blessing to me. I watched the ice melt away while I had my morning prayer in my car then I started off to work.. slowly making my way out of the apartment parking lot and onto the main road. I drove slow.. about 30-35 mph and got to work safe. I pulled into my work parking lot and made my way over the ice covered walkway at a slow but steady pace, my foot still cold and wet from the morning puddle that had oozed into my shoe.

I sat at my computer and turned it on, got clocked in and started answering the phone. For some reason alot of people didn't want to keep thier docotors appointments (yeah like who can blame them for not wanting to drive on ice) and so I was on the phone until my co-workers got in about an hour late, but they have further to drive. It was a good morning despite that. I had answered alot of calls and even made a mistake or two, but fixed them and then took lunch. Around lunch time I found out that the weather is going to get worse and my mom #2 (mother-in-law and whom I refer to as mom... but in here I'll refer to as mom#2) well, she has to stay in the area and its either stay in a hospital bed for the night so she can be here in the morning or come to my apartment with my husband and me.. and so that nice blessing of a comfy couch that God gave us is going to get some use tonight. If you don't know that story about the comfy couch and how God blessed us with it.. ask and I'll tell you. But anyways, my mom #2 is going to come over and sleep on that couch and spend time with us.

I get to drive my mom #2 home in my new car and I'm excited about that. She will get to see how it drives on the iced over roads and the slush and hail from the day before. She even said that she will cook dinner for us! Yeah for home cooked dinner. As everyone knows, I cannot cook and when I do cook its the same three or four things every time.. so this is exciting. I am glad that she is coming over.. maybe I will learn a new meal and be able to do something else in my list of 3-4. and make it about 5 things I can make! My husband is going to be so glad if I learn something new to make.

I just have to go home and clean and make the place a little more livable since my mom #2 is going to be there.. but that is alright.. while she cooks I can do laundry and get things ready for the morning. I do want to play my WoW game, though I am not sure if I will be able to since I have a guest to entertian. Its now 1:08pm and my foot is still cold and wet though not as cold and just as wet as this morning. When I get home I'm changing socks and putting some nice warm fuzzy ones on and cuddling up in my nice warm winter bumming clothes. I may watch a movie with my mom or just talk and get to know her better. Who knew that I would meet my husband over the internet and that my inlaws would be so wonderful and that my husband is such a great godly man! I could never have prayed for more.. and it is excatly what I had prayed for.

I best leave you with a picture that I have of the game me and Chris like to play.. its a computer game.
This is a picture of a horde side baddy type character one can play.. he is on a mount which means he was (was being the key word) very rich and can now move at a faster rate then everyone else can.. but as you can see the horde city is behind him and there are buildings one can go to and find things to buy or sell at etc.

As you can see on the picture to the right, an alliance character is riding his cat mount and once agian that person was rich and probably is no longer rich. But as you can see the day changes as does the days change for us.. and so does the moons. This guy had a full moon to ride into.. almost like the old wild west shows where the cow boy rides away into the setting sun... its very picturestic... you can see the chat on the left bottom and the quick buttons on the bottom.. on the bottom right is his bags that contian all his adventuring needs and things he has picked up along the way. In the right upper corner is his quick mini map and by the looks of things I would say this guy is a druid.. he has four buttons above the purple bar the allows him to transform into a bear/sealion/cat and a jaguar cat. Anyways its a fun game and the graphics are great.. I love playing this with my husband and its something that we do alot of .... besides talking and reading and eating and etc.. its a fun passtime to relax after a long day at work

However, I do not think that my characters will find usuage today as they will stay in thier places, forgotten till the marrow. On that I will bid you all adue and a blessed afternoon/evening/night and see ya all in the morning.. or maybe not at all. :P

posted by Joy at 12:45 PM | Permalink |