Monday, January 29, 2007
Happychance... wonderful things with not so wonderful things.
If you have ever had your wisdom teeth come in, then you know what I am going through and if not then lets just say that I feel like my mouth is throbbing in pain, which spread up to my temple and is giving me a headache as well as making it hurt to eat and talk... two things I need to do to live. I have had this tooth ache for that last 4 days but thought that maybe it would go away with painkillers and such since its coming in and the pain comes and goes.. but this time the pain is not going away. I am so blessed though that God provided me with great health insurance which includes dental and vision. I am going to set up an appointment today for the dentist so that I can take care of this pain. Its causing my neck to hurt as well... which feels like I turned my head way too fast and pulled a mucles.. which is a possibility. I am just trying to be very careful with that side of my body.

Yesterday as I was walking into the bedroom from the living room I reached out with my left hand to turn off the light switch, which I did. However as I flipped the switch I felt electric current go through my finger, spread to all my fingers and my hand and down my wrist, it hurt so bad that I couldn't open or close my hand more then it was. There was no burn mark but upon taking off my wedding ring, I saw a blisterstart and the current started to subside. I have never had that happen to me before and I was stunned... so Chris seeing me in pain and wondering what in the world was going on, call his mom (an LVN) and then our Pastors a wife (a RN) and told me to take some painkillers and sleep. There was nothing to do. I took some and knocked myself out and slept really well... well as well as one can sleep with a wisdom tooth growing in. My hand feels so much better today as the electric current is no longer pulsing through my viens. That was an experience that I shall never want to experience agian and don't want that for anyone else either.

Well, yesterday was Sunday and I went to help Kay Stevens in the childrens side of the church and she was a little late because she went home to set up her house for a suprise birthday party for her son's girlfriend (Leah). It was great.. she was glad to be able to go and not worry about the children as I took care of everything. Afterwards, Mandy, Chris and I along with Pasters family and Brandi White and her kids, and Dos went to Culvers and ate lunch. It was great to be able to talk and get things ready for the coming months.

Me and Chris went home and it was nice to spend time with him. We read a book together about the 7 churches in Revelation and it was good... but written back in the 30's so the style of the writer was old style and I had to keep that in mind as we read the book. It was alot of fun to do that with Chris.

We went to outreach and Rebecca (one of the youth) came with us. I was glad to be able to talk to her alittle as we went door to door. There is a young man in our church that is going to start a bible study and we were in his neighborhood so we promoted that as well as the opening of our church! We are having breakout sunday on Easter.. its going to be our first service as a registered church in the state of Texas. I am so excited about that. Anyways we are inviting lots of people to come and to check us out. We talked to one lady that said she was looking for a church and she was very sweet. I hope she comes with her family.

After outreach we meet back at the church and discussed what we are going to do for outbreak Sunday. We are going to get a sign and some other things as well as mail out some postcards telling everyone in the area that we are there and what we are about. I am excited watching God work. Who would have ever thought that in just alittle over a year we would go from having 27 people to having around 70, enough to get registered as a church in texas. I am so thankful that we have had many get saved as most people in our church are new christians. The youth that we have are mostly teens that got saved this year and about three that had gotten saved the year before. I am so excited that we are going forward and how much God has blessed us. We are saving up for a Bapitstry and for the breakout weekend as well.. its alot but we are trusting that God will provide for both things.

Anyways, I suppose I should go and take more pain medicine and get rid of my tooth pain... but I can't cause its too soon to the last batch I took.. *sigh* oh well. I am praying that I can get this taken care of soon and not have to keep dealing with the pain.

Psalm 8
posted by Joy at 11:52 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
posted by Joy at 10:40 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Bad Day!
Have you ever had a day where everything seems to go wrong and it really does go wrong, yet it seems so sureal that you feel as though its not really happening to you, but it is? Well I had a day like that yesterday. I would have made a blog about it yesterday but the way things were going I was afraid the computer would explode on me or that my blog would die and I would never be able to retrieve it from the internet highway graveyard. I woke up late to start my day yesterday, and then I threw on some clothes, not looking and had them inside out.. at least my shirt was anyways... rushed to work.. got stuck behind a VERY VERY stupid driver.. when the speed limit says 40... and you do 20 that is a huge indication that you do not know how to drive... but I eventually was able to get around the guy and then he sped up so I couldn't pass him.. oh well.. I got over and was able to make my turn without having him hit me or anything of that sort... I got stuck waiting for a train.. which usually doesn't bother me.. but I had started off on the wrong side of the bed... got to work and sat in my car for my normal 30 minute prayer time... realized I had only 5 minutes before I had to go in to work and gathered my stuff and said a quick prayer. That is when everything else went down hill.

I realized today that not having my morning prayer and not having my devotions early morning really set my emotions on a rollercoaster... and I was going downhill at the moment. I was sitting in the front seat with no seatbelt going down the highest hill on that rollercoaster and as I tried to pull on the brakes it broke in my hands. ok.. not litterally, but that was what it was like.. there was no stoping the day... no backing up and starting over.

((this pic is what happens when you don't have God on the rollercoaster with you))

I walked into my office and put my stuff down and as I put it down it started... there was a mistake I had done.. I was taken aside and reprimanded, made to call the patient and get things fixed and striaghted around and all this BEFORE I could clock in. After finishing up trying to make the patient see that I had made a mistake and that I needed to fix it and make it right for him, I went and clocked in. I started answering phones and got a few nurses that got upset at me for not knowing what they were talking about when they used a lot of doctor techno words... sure I can schedule the patients, but I can't if I have no idea what to schedule! I forgot to get insurance on a few patients and my co-worker got upset at me.... my office partner at that... and so when I was talking to a patient, I heard her in the back ground grumbling and complaining and hitting her keyboards... later I found out it wasnt cause of me.. it was cause her computer was acting up, however while on the phone and hearing this I thought that for sure she was very upset with me.. and the sad thing is its my mother-in-law. I Love my mom#2 however, she needs to learn to deal with anger a little better.. oh well.

Eventually lunch came.. and then I realized I had no lunch.. I had rushed outta the house so fast that I didn't bring a lunch.. so I went and got something.. which was the highlight of my day at work... then ate and tried to settle down. I never let the patients on the phone know that I was having a bad day but I was! I scheduled a few people and had to call them back to get insurance information becuse I had forgotten to get it the first time. I couldn't do anything on the computer but my job.. the internet was not working.

I sat there at work trying not to cry as more and more people founds mistakes that I had made and were making because I was upset.. not mad upset but on the verge of tears upset and I HATE crying!

After my mom and Wade left... and I had 30 min alone to answer the phone, it was ok.. but I got a call for a procedure I had never put in the system before and I didn't know that you had to have an injection with it.. so I booked it as it was.. and then called down cause they wanted to have him in stat.. now.. today.. that sorta thing..made sure he could come down and get admited if he did.. everything was alright... then the nurse called me and asked me why I hadn't put the injection on the list of things scheduled?! Oh my word.. I didn't know to book that to.. so I booked it and everything was alright.. but I got reamed from that nurse for a long while about how inept I am and how I need to not take orders and schedule patients if I don't know what I'm doing and she can't see how I have this job when I don't know what i'm doing. Anyways... I hung up with her and then saw it was time to leave so I clocked out.. and it didn't clock me out.. so I had to turn around and do it agian... cause I was called back to work (after beign halfway home) so I came back and clocked out. I went home and as I opened the front door the onterage of tears come pouring down my face.. I went to the bedroom and just layed down on the bed crying.

I have forgotten to tell you.. all day I had a pain in my right side.. near where my overies are and its still hurting today.. I have no idea what it could be.. but when I had told my mom#2 about it she told me that pain was not an excuse to go home early.. i was just wondering what in the world it could be... I even took 4 pain killers and it didn't help.... so i was getting concerned because the pain killers where the same kind that I had when I had my galbladder surgery... very strong.. and if they weren't working that means that something is wrong.

Anyways, I layed in bed crying, my side hurting and I cried myself to sleep. My husband came home. The house was dark and I was asleep.. dinner was not on my mind and I wasnt' about to get up and make it. He came into the room and woke me up asking about dinner and how long have I been home and since I have been home about an hour why I didn't have dinner going... I started crying agian and then he held me and told me that he loved me and that is when the rollercoaster had hit bottom and had started up the next hill... things where getting better. I cried for a good long time.. about 2 hours and talked with my husband and he made me talk to his mom and everything started to look better.

I heard and felt a rumble in my stomach and went to get dinner.. though my wonderful husband beat me to the kitchen and made us some dinner and we sat and talked for a long time.. it was a very intimate close time.. and then we played on W.o.W. a little and then fell asleep together. It was good.. being next to my husband and knowing that he cares for me.. we prayed together and then I fell asleep.

This morning was way better. I woke up a little early and just cuddled next to my husband and then got a few good morning kisses. As I got ready for work we talked, usually he is still sleeping but he got up with me to see me off. It was really sweet of him. I drove to work and got stuck behind a slow moving vehicle but it didnt' bother me today.. and then I sat in my car and prayed .. had my devotions and now I'm ready.. I have God with me today. I can handle the bumps and the small hills that will come my way on this rollercoaster today...I have God in the seat next to me.. how can I fall or fail if He is there?

posted by Joy at 8:54 AM | Permalink | 2 comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A frozen tundra, an abundnace of freezing rain and penetrating winds with subdegree tempts. That is what it was like this morning as I steped out of my apartment and headed down the three flights of stiars to find my car. I walked on the snow covered ice and took one deep step into some slush, which penetrated into my shoes and soaked my socks and feet with the wet freezing residue of whatever was in that puddle. I found my car and opened the ice covered door and got into the cold car. I turned on the car, and Priase the Lord for a new wonderful car. The windows were completly covered with a thick layer of ice.. so I turned the defrost on and sat in amazment as the defrost actually worked. My other car never worked and so this was a blessing to me. I watched the ice melt away while I had my morning prayer in my car then I started off to work.. slowly making my way out of the apartment parking lot and onto the main road. I drove slow.. about 30-35 mph and got to work safe. I pulled into my work parking lot and made my way over the ice covered walkway at a slow but steady pace, my foot still cold and wet from the morning puddle that had oozed into my shoe.

I sat at my computer and turned it on, got clocked in and started answering the phone. For some reason alot of people didn't want to keep thier docotors appointments (yeah like who can blame them for not wanting to drive on ice) and so I was on the phone until my co-workers got in about an hour late, but they have further to drive. It was a good morning despite that. I had answered alot of calls and even made a mistake or two, but fixed them and then took lunch. Around lunch time I found out that the weather is going to get worse and my mom #2 (mother-in-law and whom I refer to as mom... but in here I'll refer to as mom#2) well, she has to stay in the area and its either stay in a hospital bed for the night so she can be here in the morning or come to my apartment with my husband and me.. and so that nice blessing of a comfy couch that God gave us is going to get some use tonight. If you don't know that story about the comfy couch and how God blessed us with it.. ask and I'll tell you. But anyways, my mom #2 is going to come over and sleep on that couch and spend time with us.

I get to drive my mom #2 home in my new car and I'm excited about that. She will get to see how it drives on the iced over roads and the slush and hail from the day before. She even said that she will cook dinner for us! Yeah for home cooked dinner. As everyone knows, I cannot cook and when I do cook its the same three or four things every time.. so this is exciting. I am glad that she is coming over.. maybe I will learn a new meal and be able to do something else in my list of 3-4. and make it about 5 things I can make! My husband is going to be so glad if I learn something new to make.

I just have to go home and clean and make the place a little more livable since my mom #2 is going to be there.. but that is alright.. while she cooks I can do laundry and get things ready for the morning. I do want to play my WoW game, though I am not sure if I will be able to since I have a guest to entertian. Its now 1:08pm and my foot is still cold and wet though not as cold and just as wet as this morning. When I get home I'm changing socks and putting some nice warm fuzzy ones on and cuddling up in my nice warm winter bumming clothes. I may watch a movie with my mom or just talk and get to know her better. Who knew that I would meet my husband over the internet and that my inlaws would be so wonderful and that my husband is such a great godly man! I could never have prayed for more.. and it is excatly what I had prayed for.

I best leave you with a picture that I have of the game me and Chris like to play.. its a computer game.
This is a picture of a horde side baddy type character one can play.. he is on a mount which means he was (was being the key word) very rich and can now move at a faster rate then everyone else can.. but as you can see the horde city is behind him and there are buildings one can go to and find things to buy or sell at etc.

As you can see on the picture to the right, an alliance character is riding his cat mount and once agian that person was rich and probably is no longer rich. But as you can see the day changes as does the days change for us.. and so does the moons. This guy had a full moon to ride into.. almost like the old wild west shows where the cow boy rides away into the setting sun... its very picturestic... you can see the chat on the left bottom and the quick buttons on the bottom.. on the bottom right is his bags that contian all his adventuring needs and things he has picked up along the way. In the right upper corner is his quick mini map and by the looks of things I would say this guy is a druid.. he has four buttons above the purple bar the allows him to transform into a bear/sealion/cat and a jaguar cat. Anyways its a fun game and the graphics are great.. I love playing this with my husband and its something that we do alot of .... besides talking and reading and eating and etc.. its a fun passtime to relax after a long day at work

However, I do not think that my characters will find usuage today as they will stay in thier places, forgotten till the marrow. On that I will bid you all adue and a blessed afternoon/evening/night and see ya all in the morning.. or maybe not at all. :P

posted by Joy at 12:45 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, January 15, 2007
My new CAR!!

This is my new car.. the actual car. Its a medium charcol gray color. A chevolet Aveo 2007 4d sedan.. its my first ever new car.. as well as my husbands first ever new car. Also here is a pic of the interior. I took the liberty of getting professional pics off the internet as well(same model and make) so you all can see the inside as well.

The back seats, which you can barely see, have a a stabablizer for a car seat.. so when the future kids arrive, there will be that handy little feature.As well as a car seat anchor which is really kewl. I saw that and was like.. good idea.. very nice. it also has a seatbelt that comes down and hooks into the carseat besides the normal regular seatbelts. Its very nice.

Here is the cup holders that come out when you push on the outside of them.. they come out and go back in so that the front looks smooth, and you have them out only when you need them. I like the adjustable ones like these.. they are good for all size drinks. -------->

Ok.. so this is what the dashboard looks like. I like it alot. The vents are very nice and they turn in any direction and the glove box is under the silver strip. Its a nice size box, normal in most cars. The stiring wheel is sooo awesome. It has a feature where you can do cruise control..and then on the left side you can controlt the stereo channels, stations, volume, and can turn it off and on... and change between am/fm.. its really a neat feature. I like the heat, its rather nice too. This car has a sun roof as well, though I will have to take some pics of it, for I didn't find one on the internet.. sadness...oh well for being lazy.

Ok.. more pics tomarrow.. let me know what you think of my (our) new car!... leave a not, message or comment.. or just throw things at us.. either way is all good. Chris is in the new car at the moment getting us some wonderful things.... aka preordered the WoW expansion and book.. so he is getting that.. at the midnight release.. we are such nerds!

ok.. so i'm sick.. really sick.. I may have to go see Dr. Stacy to see if maybe I am pregnat.. this is the third day in a row that i have been sick.. really sick but the thing is this.. would you still have a mentrual cycle if your pregnat..probably not.. so i'm proably just sick.. really sick. oh well. I am going to call my mom in the morning and ask her what to do about it.. since i work with her and I dont' wanna go to work sick...but I don't wanna have any points counted agianst me.. and missing work is one that gives me points agianst me.. oh what to do what to do. I'll sleep on it.

nighty night.

posted by Joy at 11:46 PM | Permalink | 2 comments
What in the world,,2-10-1462_2051037,00.html,9294,2-10-1462_2050341,00.html

I have no idea why in the world people would want to intimidate the hanging of Saddam... let alone why they would show it on tv. Do I agree with the hanging? Well as I am a christian and know the bible, I would have to say yes and no. Yes because he deserved the punishment dealt to him for what he had done, yet at the same time, my soul cries for him, because I know he is not in heaven and I don't know if there was a chance to tell him the gospel. Regardless, as I was surfing the blogs I came across This blog and found these three sites about the kids imitating the hanging. How horrific! I am suprised and appaled at it, enough to write a blog about it. I just am shocked at the same time.

posted by Joy at 4:25 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Ok.. so now I am here once agian.. I love RANDOM people leaving me messages.. that means that people are actualy looking at my blog.. wierd that people would look at it.. now the thing is.. are people actually reading it.. or just flipping to this page and moving on.. I know I am boring at times and that is alright.. but who isn't boring. I have some pics i want to upload on here.. but I am at work and can't do anything about that at this moment.. I shall upload them later. Thinking of adding some recent pics of me and my husband (us newlyweds).

ok.. so what do I do in my passtimes... well I play on WoW and there is a place you can go to kill some baddies and they will drop a pet.. a dragon whelpling... but they don't do it very often and I have been over in that area for days trying to get one.. and some stupid mean guy came over there and as I was about to attack one.. very obviously attack it.. he got the first shot on it... which means that all things that it may drop where his.. and it droped the whelpling pet i had been looking for.. and i was a little upset and then he rubbed it in my face and i was very upset at that time. I asked him for it since i had been the one that was going after that baddie and he just told me that i was a fool and to keep trying ... he said " your a fool to think I'll give this to you.. you are stupid and you should just keep trying to get one for youself. LOSER!" Needless to say that was very upsetting to me and so i reported him. I mean.. come on .. even if you didn't want to do the right thing and give it to me.. that is fine.. but at least don't rub it in and be all stupid calling me names and such. oh well.. but there is stupid people that play that game.. but for every 1 stupid retarded jerk there are 2 or more good kind people. A friend heard that and she decided to come over and try to help me get one.. and so did a few others.. so that is so sweet of them.

I am catching on to things at work.. though everyday I learn more medical terms and such.. so that is good. I like it alot. My co workers are kind and sweet and very helpful... as well as the people I talk to on the phone.

I am hopeing that this sickness goes away or I may find myself going to the docs to see if I may be pregnat.. though I am sure I'm not.. since i'm on the pill and we use other forms of protection.. not that it would be bad since we are married and it wouldnt be like some others who have kids outta wedlock. Just we are not sure we are wanting a kid at this time.

I am getting my very frist new car this week. I have always had cars that people gave me for free.. and dont' get me wrong i love free cars.. just that these free cars have always broken down on me within the first year and so as with all of them.. this one that i have now is breaking down.. so i am going to get a new one.. me and Chris are going this saterday to get it.. and then i'll take some pics and put it on here to show off my new car.

Ok.. i need to go.. work is demanding my attention.I'll try to remember to come back on and put some pics on here.. depends on if i'm doing better.

If your reading this and are not my sister then please leave a little note. i love hearing from new people and if you leave your blogaddy then i'll post it on here too to promote ya... and also it lets me know if people actualy read my blogs!.. that is one reason i dont' blog so much.. i think Day is the only one that reads it.
posted by Joy at 3:46 PM | Permalink | 1 comments
Friday, January 05, 2007
It has been a very long time since I have updated my blog and that is horrible of me. So here I am updating this while I have a few moments of free time at work. Lets see where to start. Christmas was great. I spent it over at my in laws with my husband and it was great. We had Christmas on christmas eve and then on christmas we went to the movies to see The Nativity and The Night at the Museum. Both were really good. I liked the one with Ben stiller in it though Im not a very big fan of his... I don't usually like his style of comedy, but it was clean and it was funny. I liked it. The Nativity was very well done and though there were a few things that were very off biblically... the 3 magi.. bible says magi.. meaning more then 2 but no concrete number... and the fact that they arrived at the birth of christ was wrong... as well as just thinking of going a different way home was wrong.. God told them to go a different way home and they arrived at the HOUSE of the babe Jesus not the stable they had the child in.. but regardless of those things and a little off on the time frame of things.. it was good.. I liked how they portrayed Joseph and how they showed the reactions of the people to mary being pregnat outta wedlock.

I have been sick on and off for about a month.. which is sad. I am NOT pregnat.. have taken a few tests to make sure... though I do get sick like most everyone else in the world. I am just tired of hearing whenever I am sick that I must be pregnat...just because I am married now doesn't mean that I can not just get sick for sickness sake.. no I MUST be pregnat and have lots of babies and sickness is ONLY caused by morning sickness therefore I cannot be anything other then pregnat (if you cannot see the sarcasm then this is to let you know I am saracstic).

I have a new job at a hospital working in the medical schedueling section of the hospital. I like the job and it is fun. I am learning alot of things and its helping me to be more aware of being healthy and takening care of myself. I need to lose wieght and become healthy. I am working with my mom in law and its wonderful... she is so patient with me and is constintly telling others that I'm learning fast.. maybe I am.. though at times I feel like i'm swimming upstream and drowning at that. Oh well.. could be worse I guess... Now that I know I can come on here at work.. I think I shall update more often. I don't have anything witty or funny to tell today... sorry I can't think to straight at the moment.

More later when I can actually think.


posted by Joy at 9:15 AM | Permalink | 1 comments